I met a lady recently. Her eyes were simply
amazing. They had a sparkle in them that could
light a football field. These are the kind of
eyes that you look at and are simply in awe of.
Like a moth to a flame, they are irresistible.
So, why did I share that with you in an article
about ... Views:1174
We've reached the half-way point in this series
about living on purpose. We've talked about
how short and unpredictable life is. We've
talked about how to find your purpose. We've
talked about using pain and pleasure to motivate
you into action. And we've talked about how to get
beyond ... Views:1482
In this issue, I am going to be talking about
how to get beyond the fears that stop you from
living on purpose.
I believe that what stops most people from
living on purpose is FEAR. Whether it is a
fear of success or a fear of failure or a fear
of rejection or a fear of the unknown, it ... Views:1265
Have you found what you're truly passionate
about? If not, have you at least taken steps
in that direction? If you haven't, this issue
will support you in doing that and getting at
least one step closer to living the life of
your dreams and living on purpose.
When I think about my ... Views:1314
In the last issue, I asked 6 very important questions
to help you to start to live on purpose.
They were:
1. What's your purpose?
2. What dreams are still inside you?
3. What do you want to do with your life, but have
never done?
4. What would bring you a ton of joy and ... Views:1291
Are you living on purpose? That is, are you doing
what you want to do? Are you going for your dream?
Or are you making excuses, living a life that is
far less than you desire?
The following series of articles is going to help
you to get clear about what you want, why you want
it and ... Views:1592
Well, we've arrived. Your tenth and final
issue dealing with your money and your
life is here.
It has been a fun journey and I have
learned a lot myself by writing these
articles on abundance.
I hope that they have served you in ways
that have far surpassed your expectations.
On ... Views:1348
This issue is a deeply personal one. In
it I share a very deep insight into my
May it bless you and may it serve you
for the rest of your life.
Last issue we talked about mastering
the inner game of wealth. And I said,
"I can't stress enough how much money
is just a physical ... Views:1361
Last issue we talked about your bank
account (however large or small) having
nothing to do with your value as a person.
You're not better or worse than anyone
if you have 100 million dollars or 10 dollars
to your name. Your value always remains
the same. You are priceless.
But being ... Views:1370
In last issue, we talked about giving as a
way to gain and I really wanted to share a
story that I did not have room for, so I
thought I would share it quickly here.
A few weeks ago, I found a five dollar bill
in the parking lot of Wal-Mart. I immediately
was grateful and thankful. I ... Views:1325
In the last issue, we talked about you discovering
your core, unconscious negative belief about
money. Did you find out what it was? If so, you're
well on your way to having a brand new
relationship to money. If you have not found it
yet, then keep looking. If you have not looked for
it ... Views:1352
For the past two issues, we've been
talking about using the power of
focus and letting your subconscious
mind do the work of attracting money
to you.
Briefly recapping all that we've discussed
so far, you attract all of the wealth you want
by: visualizing it, feeling it in your ... Views:1355
In the last issue, we talked about knowing
your truth (you are priceless and can do way
more than you have done), knowing the truth
(the Universe is an unlimited playground built
for your amusement and that you can have
anything you want from it. And we talked about
focusing solely on ... Views:1362
In strange economic times, it's easy to get lost in all
the negativity on the news. It's easy to get lost in all
the "bad news" out in the world. It's easy to be overcome
by all the doom and gloom. So, it's more important
than ever to keep things in the proper perspective.
That's the ... Views:1339
In the last issue, I shared with you a prosperity
affirmation. How is it working for you? Are you
reading it daily as is suggested to do? Are you
reading it and letting the words penetrate deep
into your psyche?
You see, in the 20+ years now that I have been
studying personal ... Views:1379
This series of powerful, in-depth articles is on wealth
creation, abundance attraction and prosperity. In short,
we're going to be talking about money, moolah, the
green stuff and how to change your mindset about it so
that you can have more of it in your life, even if you're
already ... Views:1352
Since I have started this series on manifesting
your heart's desires, I have been manifesting
like crazy. I've had more ideas, more support,
more love, more clarity, more direction, more
drive than I've had in years...and years.
I thought I was motivated before, but that was
nothing ... Views:1243
This issue is about the power of gratitude. In
that vein, I'd like to take a moment to say to
you, "Thanks for being reading. Thanks for
being a part of my life. Thanks for deciding
to improve your life and for using me as a
resource to help you to do that."
Each issue I write, I put ... Views:1286
We've arrived at issue number 8 in our series
on manifesting your heart's desires.
This issue is about non-attachment. This is one of the
most critical steps in this whole process. To put it
another way, you can't be attached to whatever you're
manifesting. That is, you can't need it. ... Views:1420
The last 2 issues were about surrendering
(releasing the need to be in control) and
about allowing (being open to what you're
told). This is about trust.
Many people have trust issues. They
don't trust themselves, their partners,
their family, their friends, their bosses,
coworkers, ... Views:1309
In the last issue we talked about the art of
surrender, that is letting go of all of
the beliefs about how you think your life
is going to look and allowing the Universe
to determine the perfect outcome. And
surrender is about stopping the battle with
your ego and living from your ... Views:1385
Well, we have arrived at step 5
in our series of manifesting your
heart's desires. How is it going?
Are you putting into practice
what I've been writing about?
If not, why not? You have
everything to gain, easier,
faster and with greater certainty
than anything else.
If you have ... Views:1480
So here we are looking at step 4 in the
process of manifesting your heart's
In step three, I said I was going to
write about being 100% responsible
for everything in your life as a
vital step in the manifestation process.
Being fully responsible is important
for two ... Views:1290
This issue is going to help you to start
manifesting what you want with much less
effort than you may think.
You see, it's all about your attention
and your intention.
According to Thomas Herold, an amazing
spiritual healer, teacher and author,
"Your attention is the source of the ... Views:1265
Last issue we talked about the first step
in manifesting the life of your dreams.
That step began with belief. You have to
believe in yourself, in what you want,
in your skills, talents and abilities.
You have to believe that you deserve the
life of your dreams. You have to ... Views:1255
The Law of Attraction has gotten a great deal of attention
over the past years, yet I believe it is still very, very
I can't tell you how many times I have heard that it does
not work and that it's just a bunch of hype.
Well, nothing could be further from the truth. In ... Views:1344