This issue is going to help you to start
manifesting what you want with much less
effort than you may think.
You see, it's all about your attentionand your intention.
According to Thomas Herold, an amazingspiritual healer, teacher and author,
"Your attention is the source of the
creative process in turning your
thoughts into reality. Using your
intention builds a constant energy
toward the reality you want to create.
Your body will follow your mind's
commands and advance along the way
until the desired reality is created."
What you put your attention on
(whether you're consciously aware of
it or not) is what will manifest.
But let me be clear. You are the one
who is doing the manifesting. What I
mean by that is that some people think
that things just happen to them and
they had nothing to do with it. In
fact, the exact opposite is true.
I'll write about this in the next
issue, but the key is to take complete
responsibility for your life, just as
it is and just as it is not. When you
do that, you put yourself in control
and you're not at the mercy of
seemingly random events.
So, where is your attention? In other
words, what are you focused on? Are you
focused on debt
or on wealth? Are you
focused on illness or health? Are you
focused on what you want or what you don't?
The point is that you need to pay close
attention to your attention. If you allow
yourself to get sucked down into the black
hole of negativity that is all over the
news, you'll begin to experience those
same things in your life. At any point,
you have the power to change not only
the channel, but also what you're paying
attention to.
If you allow your attention to be spread
too thin, once again, you'll start
manifesting things you don't want and worse
yet, you won't be able to manifest the
things you do want because you won't be
sending out clear enough signals to the
Think of it like ordering food. You order your
food and before the waiter can even take the
menu from you, you change the order and before
he walks away, you change your order again.
Then he gets two steps away and you call
him back to change the order once again.
If you keep doing that, you won't have what
you really want. In fact, you'll keep exactly
what you have now even if you don't want it.
Now, once you've ordered your meal from
Restaurant Universe, LET IT GO. In other
words, let the Universal cooks do their
job. You don't have to micromanage them.
All that does is create problems and slows
the whole process down. That's called
trusting and it's called non-attachment.
I'll devote another issue to that area
as it is one of the most important steps
in the manifestation
So, in order to help you focus your
attention and create the life you want,
you need to have intentions.
Your intention is what you're going to do.
and the actions you're going to take to
get there. So, if you have an intention
of doubling your business in 6 months, your
attention would be focused on all that
you need to do to achieve that.
People (including me at times in the past)
have confused their intention with their
goals. Let's clear that up right now.
Goals and intentions are similar, but not the
same. Your intention is like your internal
. It's where you put your energy. It's
where you focus your attention. It is HOW you're
going to reach your goal.
A goal is something you want, an objective. Itis WHAT you want...the end result.
You set your goal and then you set an intention
to reach the goal. Without the intention, the
goal just sits there.
So, just pick one thing that you want andfocus all of your attention on it.
Your intention will guide you there. Make
sure you're clear and that you don't let
anything distract you from what you want.
It's just like when you were a child and
you wanted that piece of candy or that toy.
You were not going to stop until you got it.Do the same thing now and watch what happens.
So, that's it for this issue my friend. May
you be blessed beyond belief this week and
may all of your dreams
and your success
come true. And may everything you wish for
be the least that you get.
To your success,
Darshan G. Shanti - The 24 Hour Champion
Darshan is an expert in human motivation, behavior change and rapid transformation. He is a 20-year veteran in the field of personal and professional development. He is an ontologist, facilitator, trainer, author and transformational speaker. He is the President of Freedom Incorporated, Inc. It is a revolutionary, innovative company dedicated to supporting organizations and people all over the world to help them to achieve their highest potential.
Darshan has a unique ability to very quickly empower participants to change their own minds about who they are and what's possible for themselves, both now and in the future. When they change their own minds, their change is permanent, leaving them free to make new decisions, take new actions and create new, powerful and fulfilling lives.
From Fortune 100 corporations such as Baxter Pharmaceuticals, to small mom and pop companies, school systems and prison systems, across the United States, he has worked with and inspired over 30,000 people.