In the last issue, I asked 6 very important questionsto help you to start to live on purpose.
They were:
1. What's your purpose?
2. What dreams are still inside you?
3. What do you want to do with your life, but havenever done?
4. What would bring you a ton of joy and fulfillmenton a daily basis?
5. What's your greatest passion ?
6. What would that life be worth to you?
Did you answer them? If not, you should ask yourself
why you didn't. The answers to some of those questionscould literally change the direction of your entire
life and make it better than it has ever been.
But really living on purpose is pretty foreboding to
many people. They start thinking about all the work
they will have to do to change their lives. Then it
brings up all kinds of fear. It brings up regret over
what hasn't been done which leads to pain and guilt, etc.
Well, I'm here to say that it doesn't have to be that
way. You can start living on purpose right now, this
instant just by making the decision that you're going to.
Once you make the decision, most of the battle is over
because you have "bought in" to your own dream. Thenthe process of living on purpose is not a scary thing,
but much more of a fun, exciting, even playful adventure.
Doors start opening. Opportunities appear that you never
saw before. People start showing up in your life at just
the right time. Suddenly, the impossible becomes possible.
Things start to "speed up" and many synchronistic events
start to happen. And the list goes on.
So, the question becomes, "How do I find my passion
As I just said, the first thing to do is decide that
you want to find it. Then you must believe that you
can have it. And you must believe that you deserve it. You
also need to want that purpose as much as you want the
air you're breathing.
Now that's all well and good you say, but once I've decidedto live on purpose, then what, what do I do?
Answer these questions and you'll be well on your way.
1. If you could do anything you wanted and you had all
the money, all the support, all the resources and
all the self-esteem
you needed so that you knew
there was no way you could fail, what would you do?
Don't censor yourself. Really say what you want. Let
it out. Then, whatever you come up with, don't dismiss
it with some reason that you don't think it's possible
or that it can't happen to you.
2. What makes you the most happy when you're doing it? In
other words, what makes your heart sing? What would you
do for free because it's not like "work"?
3. What causes do you believe in? Do you believe in any ofthem strong enough to dedicate your work life to them?
4. What did you want to do when you were young? Chances
are there was a common theme that ran through it all. Find
that theme and explore it. In my life, the theme was
always about helping people in some way. I was going to
be a fireman or an EMT or a doctor or a teacher. Well,
I help people and make a difference now as my life's work.
Once you've answered those questions, you'll have a verygood idea about what your purpose is.
Now, let me be clear about one thing which is critical.
Your purpose and your career do not have to be related.
Your purpose could be to be the most loving person in
the world and to bring that love and that light wherever
you go. You can live that purpose while being a fast food
My purpose and my "work" are inextricably linked. It justmakes sense for me to have the two connected.
Yours can be as well if you want them to be.
So, that's it for this issue my friend. May you
be blessed beyond belief and may all of your
and your success come true. And may
everything you wish for be the least that you get.
Until next issue...
To your success,
Darshan G. Shanti - The 24 Hour Champion
Darshan is an expert in human motivation, behavior change and rapid transformation. He is a 20-year veteran in the field of personal and professional development. He is an ontologist, facilitator, trainer, author and transformational speaker. He is the President of Freedom Incorporated, Inc., a revolutionary, innovative company dedicated to supporting organizations and people all over the world to help them to achieve their highest potential.
Darshan has a unique ability to very quickly empower participants to change their own minds about who they are and what's possible for themselves, both now and in the future. When they change their own minds, their change is permanent, leaving them free to make new decisions, take new actions and create new, powerful and fulfilling lives.
From Fortune 100 corporations such as Baxter Pharmaceuticals, to small mom and pop companies, school systems and prison systems, across the United States, he has worked with and inspired over 30,000 people.