People ignore their intuition, an inherent ability to gain the truth about people, places, things and situations without using logic, physical senses or prior knowledge, due to ten top reasons:
1. Fear what they'll sense. They never know what they’ll sense "out of the blue." Intuitive ... Views:1542
YOU LIVE YOUR DREAMS IN YOUR MIND before you live them in the physical world. In mental movies, you are the person you aim to be. You manifest your desires despite contrary thoughts and rigid naysayers. Your consciousness simultaneously experiences the present (dream visualizing)
and future ... Views:1210
YOUR INTUITION ALERTS YOU TO HEALTH ISSUES even if you believe you’re in excellent physical shape. Injuries, illnesses and diseases happen due to mental, emotional, physical and/or spiritual causes. Genetics, busyness, stress, neglect, negativity and overexertion play a significant role toward ... Views:1429
Your intuition helps to increase your finances no matter your current economic situation. Be aware of financial intuitive messages that tap or nudge you while you focus on money situations or something else. These intuitive messages might seem ridiculous or impossible to apply in your life, but ... Views:1481
Your intuition sends you encouragement while you feel stressed, depressed, lonely, afraid, tired, and ill. Be aware of the intuitive messages that arrive during the day and night, in between uneasy breaths, and as you calm your nerves to deal with other people. These intuitive messages never ... Views:1456
YOUR INTUITION ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS whether you inwardly or outwardly ask them. Notice the “yes or no” or “in-depth” intuitive answers that pop into your awareness in the form of visions, dreams, feelings, sensations, sounds, knowings, tastes, scents, sayings, and/or songs. Be ready for ... Views:1479
Your intuition communicates memories to grab your attention regarding someone or something. Memories are recollections of the past experienced as an observer or a participant. Like a supercomputer, your intuition retrieves remembered, forgotten, and suppressed memories from your soul’s archives ... Views:1270
You live your dreams in your mind before you live them in the physical world. In mental movies, you are the person you aim to be. You manifest your desires despite contrary thoughts and rigid naysayers. Your consciousness simultaneously experiences the present (dream visualizing) and future ... Views:1420
Intuition is your natural ability to sense the truth about people, places, things and situations without using logic, physical senses or prior knowledge. The truth, if you honor it, allows you to live an authentic life free of illusions and manipulations from others and yourself. Have you ever ... Views:1298
Intuition's creative call demands that we create a "work" not because we can but we must. In the lights of day and shades of night, the creative call pierces our souls and echoes, “It’s time.” We intuitively see artistic visions, feel inspired nudges, taste wondrous flavors, or something else. ... Views:1265
Your intuition informs you when someone will leave your life before he or she departs. Whether you believe or doubt your intuition and whether you want that person to stay or go away, time reveals the intuitive goodbye contains truth to prepare you for the farewell.
One or multiple intuitive ... Views:1389
“What’s that eerie noise?” Karen asks two friends.
“I don’t hear anything,” they reply.
The noise repeats with the same friendly reaction.
Karen’s friends don’t intuitively hear the non-physical noise she intuitively hears. Or they doubt or fear it. If it’s the latter, they deny its ... Views:1644
Your intuition communicates to you every day. Intuition is your natural ability to sense the truth about people, places, things, and situations, without using logic, physical senses, or prior knowledge. While you’re awake and asleep, you receive intuitive messages. Whether you’re at home or out ... Views:1960
You have a purpose, the reason why you're born. Sometimes life's ups and downs leave you with enough energy to function at work or school, eat on the go, take care of family, complete household chores, and pay bills. In stressful moments, particularly when in poor health or with zero finances, ... Views:1291
Each day your intuition communicates multiple intuitive messages to you. These gentle or loud messages provide divine guidance and protection, for different areas of life. For example, you receive career or calling messages: Hunch to ask for a pay raise. School bell sound to improve job skills. ... Views:2375
Your intuition helps you make wise decisions, through intuitive feelings and sensations that rock your body, without external stimuli. Whether you consider buying or selling a home, establishing or closing a business, continuing or changing a career, or starting or ending a relationship, notice ... Views:3201