Your intuition communicates to you every day. Intuition is your natural ability to sense the truth about people, places, things, and situations, without using logic, physical senses, or prior knowledge. While you’re awake and asleep, you receive intuitive messages. Whether you’re at home or out in the world, you receive intuitive messages. Your intuition talks to you in eight ways:
1) Intuitive seeing is the ability to see visions and dreams showing images that flash like a camera snapshot, pause like a freeze frame, or roll like a motion picture “out in space” or in your mind’s eye. For example, you intuitively see a flashing vision show an umbrella or a raincoat to carry with you despite a sunny forecast from local meteorologists.
2) Intuitive feeling is the ability to perceive information via diverse feelings or sensations within your body. This happens with or without you touching external stimuli—a physical agent provoking an interest or a reaction. For example, you intuitively feel a sudden urge to stop in a convenience store to buy a bottle of water. You run into an old friend you haven’t seen in years.
3) Intuitive hearing is the ability to hear various sounds “out in space” or in your head (temporal lobes), throat (inner ear), or heart. For example, you ponder a problem while driving to work and intuitively hear a comedic phrase that helps you solve it.
4) Intuitive knowing is the ability to know information without knowing how and without a doubt. Information pops into the top of your head “out of the blue.” For example, you intuitively know an afternoon business meeting will result in an exclusive deal with a new client.
5) Intuitive tasting is the ability to taste various substances without putting anything in your mouth. For example, you intuitively taste sweet honesty or sour dishonesty when questioning your spouse’s politics.
6) Intuitive smelling is the ability to smell various scents “out in space” or in your inner nose. For example, you intuitively smell green vegetables to eat for dinner, though you seldom buy them from a farmer’s market or grocery store.
7) Intuitive speaking is the ability to speak abrupt, insightful sayings to others and yourself without thinking what to say. For example, you intuitively speak about a natural disaster affecting a country and it happens the next day.
8) Intuitive singing is the ability to sing sudden, edifying songs to others and yourself without hearing external music. For example, you run errands and intuitively sing Arrested Development’s song “Tennessee.” Then you find out that your next family reunion will be held in Nashville, TN.
When you receive an intuitive message, it’s important to be aware of it in progress. Then trust your intuition and act on its guidance. You receive validation instantly or later. The “point of no return” comes when it’s too late to act on an intuitive message, no matter the situation. It plays out for better or worse. Your intuition helps you in twenty-eight areas of life, including career, finances, health, and relationships. Stay in the intuitive flow and be blessed.
Darlene Pitts is an intuition consultant, speaker & author of Discover Your Intuition and Let's Talk Intuition. She created 65 Abundant Living Cards. She teaches intuition development courses and uses her intuition in consulting with individuals, businesses, and law enforcement. Visit her website at .