Lord Buddha said in his Four Noble Truths that all suffering comes from our attachments.
So if you want to be happy every day for the rest of your life, you need to let go of any and all attachments. You need to replace your attachments with preferences.
The difference between a ... Views:1641
Earth is a school, and like in any other school, there are tests and lessons we need to learn.
However, most people not realizing this, don’t understand that their problems and challenges in life are gifts! They don’t realize that Earth is a school to practice transcending the negative ego, ... Views:1708
The word “devotion” comes from the Latin and means “dedicate by a vow.”
God is infinitely dedicated and devoted to His Creation. The Integrated Ascended Masters makes a vow to equally dedicate and devote himself to his Creator.
Devotion is one of the most beautiful qualities on the ... Views:1856
The master key to advance on the Spiritual path and to return Home to God is to give up all lower-self desire and to develop an all-consuming fire and longing for God!
It is literally impossible to realize God unless you want God with all your heart and Soul and mind and might. As Paramahansa ... Views:1916
Most people in this world today are complete victims. They are victims of their emotions, thoughts, lower self, inner child, sexuality, food, TV, other people, cigarettes, and so forth.
When you are a victim in life, you are not the cause of your life! You allow life to happen to you, instead ... Views:1715
Many Lightworkers, being very naïve, give their power away to external channels. For lack of Spiritual and psychological education, as it is being taught at the I AM University, they don‘t understand how the channelling process works.
Usually they think that channelling is like a direct ... Views:1684
Most people in this world feel powerless. They give their power away to other people, outside situations, their emotions, physical body, subconscious mind, inner child, lower self desires, dreams, the weather, and so forth.
Never give your power away! Not even to God and the Ascended ... Views:2370
The Integrated Ascended Master realizes that other people’s suffering is in truth our own.
We don’t want to take on the suffering of others, however, other people’s suffering is our own because we are all one Spiritual family. In truth God/ Brahma/ Allah/ Dharmakaya/ The I AM THAT I AM has ... Views:1586
We don’t really see with our eyes, we see with our minds and consciousness. Every thought we think is a lens we see through. And so in truth everything in life is perception and interpretation.
If we choose to see faults in ourselves or others, we will find them. However, if we choose to be ... Views:2035
The phrase “holy encounter” comes from A Course in Miracles. To practice the holy encounter means to regard every encounter with another person as holy: as God meeting God, Christ meeting Christ, Buddha meeting Buddha, Eternal Self meeting Eternal Self.
To look at every person you meet as ... Views:2365
The phrase “holy instant” comes from A Course in Miracles. Virtually all of humanity, to one degree or another, is hypnotized to believe that they are a physical body, separate from God and separate from one another. However, in truth this is complete illusion! Our thoughts and beliefs create ... Views:1411
The idea of reincarnation is as old as man. Plato, Pythagoras (who was a past life of Kuthumi), the ancient Egyptians, Greek, Hindus and Buddhists all believed in reincarnation.
The word “reincarnation” comes from the Latin and consists of two words: “re” means “again” and “carne” means ... Views:1576
Most of our dreams are created by our subconscious mind.
Now, it is important to understand that our subconscious mind and dreams are not telling us what to do! The subconscious mind has no reasoning whatsoever. It is merely reflecting to us how we have been manifesting our thinking, feeling, ... Views:1488
Examine every morning upon waking your dreams and your conscious thoughts, feelings, words and actions from the previous day.
Everyone knows to a certain extent when they are off-kilter and out of balance, when the negative ego or negative feelings and emotions have taken over, when they have ... Views:1464
Always trust your conscious understanding more than anything else. When a dream is showing that you have an adjustment to make, make a specific short Spiritual vow in your mind, out loud, or in writing, to affirm that you are doing this or that to never let this specific pattern get out of ... Views:1549
The Threefold Flame is the Threefold Flame of Love, Wisdom and Power. God is omnipresent (love), omniscient (wisdom) and omnipotent (power). Being made in the image and likeness of God, we also have love, wisdom and power inside of us. These three qualities are anchored in our heart in the form ... Views:1752
There are many reasons why people attack and criticize others. For your enjoyment, here are listed some.
People attack and criticize because:
1. They have not been trained how to master and control their mind, emotions and negative ego programming.
2. They are run by fear, and fearful ... Views:9236
For your enjoyment, here are some things you can do to cut down on mistakes:
1. Get in control of your subconscious mind.
2. Work on achieving absolute mastery over your every thought, feeling, emotion, word and deed.
3. Fully train yourself in the difference between Christ thinking versus ... Views:1723
There is Spiritual perfectionism and there is negative ego perfectionism. These are two totally different understandings of what perfection is.
The ideal in life is to achieve perfection. However, the negative ego’s disturbed and distorted understanding of perfection is that mistakes are ... Views:1684
The word “Kundalini” comes from the Sanskrit and means “coiled.” Kundalini is a universal energy that lies coiled (like a snake) at the base of the spine.
In Eastern tradition there are methods to forcefully raise the Kundalini, however, one should refrain from such practices at all cost as ... Views:1657
Each Chakra is connected with an endocrine gland. Imbalanced glands are indicators of imbalanced Chakras:
Crown Chakra: pituitary gland
Third Eye Chakra: pineal gland
Throat Chakra: thyroid gland
Heart Chakra: thymus gland
Solar Plexus Chakra: lyden gland
Sacral Chakra: adrenal ... Views:2227
The Chakras are positioned in our etheric body along the spinal column at major nerve centers. They form a central part of our esoteric anatomy.
Their Hindu names are as follows:
Crown Chakra: Sahasrara
Third Eye Chakra: Ajna
Throat Chakra: Vishuddha
Heart Chakra: Anahata
Solar Plexus ... Views:4297
The word “Chakra” comes from the Sanskrit and means “wheel” or “turning.” Chakras are “turning wheels or vortices of energy” that are located in the etheric body. The etheric body is the subtle counterpart and blueprint of the physical body.
Chakras serve as focal points for both the ... Views:1509
We each not only have an astrological chart that is unique to us, we also each have a Ray chart that is unique to us, which is commonly referred to as our Ray configuration.
The science of the Rays is in truth older than even the science of astrology because the Rays predate the creation of ... Views:1535
The core-fear matrix removal program is an exciting program that allows the Ascended Masters on the inner plane to pull out core fear from our subconscious mind and energy system.
This is how it works: Call forth Djwhal Khul or any Ascended Master that you feel a strong resonance with, and ... Views:3398
The Synthesis Ashram is an ashram or teaching center on the inner plane which originally was headed by the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul, and which now is headed by one of Djwhal Khul’s senior students, Dr Joshua David Stone.
Every Ascended Master has such a teaching center and ashram on the ... Views:2619
Ascension is the process of breaking free from the wheel of rebirth. To ascend means to raise one’s frequency to a level that vibrates higher than physical/Earthly reality.
To take one’s ascension in an integrated and balanced way means to synthesize and ascend equally all four bodies – ... Views:1477
It is not possible to take one’s ascension and become an Integrated Ascended Master without transcending the negative ego or lower self.
The negative or lower self sees itself as separate from God and one another. The Higher Self or Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha/ Krishna/ Moses/ Mohammed/ Mighty ... Views:2104
Spiritual initiations are indicators of light quotient. So if you want to take higher and higher levels of initiation, you will have to raise your overall light quotient.
Logically, the next question now is, “How can I build my light quotient?”
Here is to give you an idea:
We build our ... Views:2300
The path of ascension is intimately connected with the path of initiation. Essentially, an initiation is an expansion of consciousness. The higher our level of initiation, the more evolved and expanded our consciousness will be.
Our level of initiation is measured in light or light quotient. ... Views:3868
The Asthar Command is another advanced extraterrestrial civilization that is dedicated to both serve and protect humanity. They form part of the unified Federation of Planets and serve as military deploy in space. So they not only protect Planet Earth but many other planets as well.
The ... Views:2228
First off, there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be afraid of negative extraterrestrials. They are still our brothers and sisters in Spirit, they have just temporary lost their way as is the case with many humans.
As long as you stay attuned to Spirit, practice unconditional love and ... Views:1835
Many people are afraid of extraterrestrials because unfortunately the only kind of extraterrestrials that people know of are the so-called “negative extraterrestrials.” These are the ones that are being portrayed in the movies and reported of in the media.
These negative extraterrestrials are ... Views:1832
The Sirians are a very advanced civilization in our galaxy. They are dedicated to help us bring in the Golden Age of Universal Love and Peace. However, in truth they have been with us for a very long time, reaching back to the time of the Mayans and Egyptians. It was the Sirians who helped build ... Views:2074
The Pleidians are an advanced civilization in our galaxy that comes from a star cluster in the constellation Taurus which is about 500 light years from Earth.
They are devoted to unconditional love and service. They are dedicated to help humanity evolve because they realize that we are all ... Views:2575
The Arcturians are a very advanced and God-pure civilization. They are headed by the Lord and Lady of Arcturus. They have transcended fear and the illusion of separation and have dedicated their life and consciousness to service.
Part of their service work includes Planet Earth and helping ... Views:3877
Question #1: Why can’t we see Extraterrestrials?
Very simple answer! They have so refined their consciousness and bodies that they vibrate at a level that is etheric in nature. Our physical eyes cannot register etheric substance and so this is why we can’t see them. And since we are ... Views:1764
We are not the only species in the universe, and to believe otherwise is to live in illusion. One just needs to look at the sky and consider all the star systems out there, of which there are infinite, to realize how foolish it is to believe that humans are the most evolved and only species in ... Views:1750
Humans are the teachers, older brothers and sisters of the animal kingdom. Animals do not only respond to feelings and emotions of the people around them, they are also responsive to the mental atmosphere surrounding them.
When a pet “owner” speaks with his pet, explains things, gives him or ... Views:1671
What distinguishes the human kingdom from the animal kingdom is that man has gone through an occult process called individualization whereas animals have not. It is however the evolutionary goal of the animal kingdom which, as of yet, form part of so-called “group souls.”
Animals are group ... Views:1966
More and more people around the world are awakening Spiritually and they are opening up to their higher senses. And with these higher senses they are tuning into higher levels of reality, bringing through information from higher realms. Depending on the psychological clarity and mastery of the ... Views:1574
Just as there are humans that are more evolved than others, the same is true for the animal kingdom. Pets or domesticated animals are more evolved than wild animals.
Wild animals live out in wild nature. They have no contact or interaction with humans. They function primarily on instinct and ... Views:2043
If you are blessed enough to have your own garden, try working with the devas as well as with the nature spirits living there. If you don’t have a garden, no problem. Just work with the devas overlighting your indoor plants.
But make a conscious effort to connect with the nature spirits and ... Views:1600
Findhorn is a small Scottish community that became known in the early 70’s for a small group of people who developed direct contact with the nature spirits and overlighting devas or angels of the plant kingdom. They followed the guidance given by these beings, and as a result all the plants and ... Views:1698
Make yourself comfortable, preferably sitting on a chair with your feet firmly on the floor, making sure your arms and legs are uncrossed, and your spine straight.
Imagine a golden light all around you spreading out as far around you and as high above you as you can visualize it. This is a ... Views:2071
Archangels are in charge of large groups of Angels whose service is focused in all areas of life.
As such there are so-called healing angels, angels of peace, guardian angels, angels of beauty, angels of the home, angels of the garden, angels of mercy, angels overlighting every forest, every ... Views:1711
Each of us has a guardian angel who has been assigned to serve and guide us, and who has been with us throughout our many incarnations on Earth. So our guardian angel knows us inside and out, and protects us in whatever way possible. They realize that Earth is a school for us to grow and learn, ... Views:1735
You can work with any of the Angels and Archangels by simply calling on them.
For example, Archangel Michael focuses on protection and strength. So part of his job is to protect us with his strength and to teach us to stand in our own power. If you need protection or strength, you can call on ... Views:1822
The Elohim are known as the co-creator gods who created the world by the will of God. Together with the Angels they form the left and right hand of God.
There are Elohim on each of the Seven Rays. Their names are:
- First Ray Elohim: Hercules and Amazonia
- Second Ray Elohim: Apollo and ... Views:2325
Make yourself comfortable, preferably sitting on a chair with your feet firmly on the floor, making sure your arms and legs are uncrossed, and your spine straight.
Imagine a golden light all around you spreading out as far around you and as high above you as you can visualize it. This is a ... Views:2607