Many Lightworkers, being very naïve, give their power away to external channels. For lack of Spiritual and psychological education, as it is being taught at the I AM University, they don‘t understand how the channelling process works.
Usually they think that channelling is like a direct telephone line to the Ascended Masters. However, nothing could be further from the truth. All channelling is filtered through a person’s personality, information banks and consciousness. A channel can only be as clear as his consciousness. If one’s consciousness is not developed, then the channelled message won’t be developed either. If one’s consciousness is astrally attuned, one will end up channelling astral entities, giving illusionary messages.
Unfortunately, the New Age Movement has gotten a very bad reputation of being all illusionary and fantasy because most channels out there, with no judgement intended, are channeling astral entities parading as Ascended Masters and Angels. Astral entities are literally Souls who have passed on and are stuck on the astral plane, which in itself is an illusionary plane to begin with.
The Integrated Ascended Master realizes that all answers he seeks are in truth within himself! So when it comes to asking for guidance, he practices utmost Spiritual discernment.
Dr Joshua David Stone was one of the most influential Spiritual teachers, leaders and forerunners of our time. He had a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology and was a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Counselor in California, USA.
He served as Official Spokesperson for the Planetary Ascension Movement and made his mark in the Consciousness Community as a prolific writer, authoring the 15-volume Easy to Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path, published in several languages, as well as eight major Ascended Master Training Courses and several comprehensive Training Programs ranging from channeling, the psychology of astrology, the Book of Life of God, to his legendary 2,000 page Counseling Manual, and much, much more.
Today, the I AM University is the one and only Integrated Ascended Master Training Facility in this world. It stands firmly on the foundation of a comprehensive and ever-expanding curriculum which Dr Stone dedicated his life creating.
In 2005, Dr Joshua David Stone passed over to the Spirit world where he continues to Spiritually support the expansion of the I AM University the continuation of which he entrusted into the hands of Gloria Excelsias, his long-term personal assistant and protégé.
Dr Stone is one of the most widely read authors in the New Age Movement and known as the world’s most trusted source for integrated Spiritual development.