I am an ordinary girl from an ordinary home in an ordinary town – albeit a particularly beautiful place.
I’ve had a mostly ordinary life. I was married young, after a somewhat ordinary childhood. As a child, I had some things to deal with – but then don’t we all? I somehow dealt with these and got on with an ordinary time at school and at home.
My husband Gavin, and I became the perfect couple. After four years of being free and having fun, we began our perfect family. Although we didn’t see many perfect families around us, and neither of us grew up in one, this still felt pretty ordinary.
I have no degree to my name. I’m not Dr, Hon or Rev anyone. I am Mrs Sandy Morris.
But I have had some extraordinary training. Training that helped me develop the skills I needed to make some major changes in my life. These changes have delivered me astounding outcomes.
Over the last ten years I have:
My training and skills have enabled to me thrive through all of this.They have also enabled me to facilitate other people in making changes for themselves. Changes that have been critical to their survival in their world.
My one and only passion is love.
To survive in my world, love is what I needed.
Our planet needs to experience a major shift into love if it is to survive.
The definition of survival is remaining alive.
The definition of survival is not remaining in existence.
Courageous Loving Blueprint
My strongest belief is that it is only love that keeps us truly alive.
Learning to love and be loved is critical to your survival.
I know this.
Deep down, you know this too.
If you’re afraid you may be abandoned, rejected or betrayed, you already know that being with someone – really being with someone – is critical to your survival.
If you’re afraid you will lose yourself, or your values or your own power, when you are in a relationship, you haven’t learned yet to be loved for exactly who you are.
Who are we kidding – you probably haven’t learned yet to love yourself for exactly who you are.
If you’re not able to see through the ‘imperfections’ of another person and connect deeply on a soul level – you haven’t yet learned to truly love.
I’m sure you’ve already realised that if any of these things are true for you, you have been deeply impacted by your past. I’m sure you’ve already done a lot toward changing these things. I’m also sure that you have made tremendous progress in doing so.
But here’s the thing. The past is so deeply written into your psyche and into your biology that it’s a really tricky thing to overcome.
No matter what you’ve learned, no matter what progress you’ve made; no matter what actual changes you’ve made …
This is the clutter your past has left you with. Some of this clutter you are aware of.Much of it lives in your unconscious awareness.
You have a blueprint for loving. A blueprint which determines the outcomes in your loving relationship now.
Although you have made changes and you have made progress, this blueprint keeps playing the same old programming.
Until you update your blueprint, your autopilot will remain in it’s cluttered drivers seat. This determines the outcomes in your relationship.
Updating your blueprint is tricky. It takes commitment.
Here’s the good news!If an ordinary girl like me can learn the skills that it takes to update my blueprint for loving – if an ordinary girl like me can learn to truly, truly love and be loved – you can too.
If you want a committed and meaningful, soulful loving relationship – and you don’t have it yet – updating your blueprint is critical to you remaining alive, in the truest sense.
Learning to love and be loved is critical to your survival.
I am passionate about helping you learn to truly remain Alive.
I am passionate about helping you learn to truly Love and be Loved.
I know, beyond any doubt, that if you are committed to learning how,
you can learn to love and be loved.
It is for this reason that Gavin and I have developed Courageous Loving Blueprint.
This online program gives you the stepping stones, the guidance and the support that will, along with your commitment and dedication, enable you to:
Simply knowing that this program is available won’t help you update your blueprint.
II. BREATHE – Take a deep breath. Take as many as you need to bring yourself to calmness.
III. STILL YOUR MIND. If you’ve done steps I and II well, you have prepared the way. If your mind is a reluctant listener, say the word STILL. Be gentle with yourself here. If your mind stays active, use gentle encouragement and bring it closer and closer to STILL MIND.
IV. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT! If you’ve been able to calm yourself and bring your mind a little stillness, do or say the very first thing that comes to you.
If your mind is still frantic or destructive, take yourself to a place where you will feel more calm and safe – and BREATHE.
(Yes, these are some of the steps you, as a Master Builder of Loving Relationship, took last week to begin making some changes)
When you find yourself thinking “he’s found someone better than me” change your thought.
Think: “I am perfect – Exactly as I am – I am perfect”
When you feel depressed or lonely, change your feeling.
Feel yourself: Filled with love and light
When you find yourself withdrawing into yourself and you would rather be out there being loved, do something different.
Think: “I am perfect – Exactly as I am – I am perfect”
Feel yourself: Filled with love and light
Do: Gently and lovingly, take yourself forward – get out there and be loved.
Although you will learn more steps in our Courageous Loving Blueprint program, there is nothing stopping you from beginning the steps I have given you here, today – right now.
We will also go a lot deeper with the work and address specific issues so that you experience astounding outcomes.
Visit our website: http://www.courageous-loving-heart.com/
Or our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/CourageousLovingHeart
Email: sandy@courageous-loving-heart.com