I have been focusing on personal development for the last 33 years as a Self Improvement Expert. This has involved the study of Yoga and Meditation and turning the attention in on itself.
This process has led me to some amazing realisations and understandings about who the person is within the body and how this personal awareness interacts with the Universal Mind of the Creator God.
About eight years ago I started practising as a Spiritual Healer. I find the connection that I make to the more subtle energies within myself helps with the effectiveness of my Healing work. I have practised in most parts of the UK, taking a stand at Mind, Body and Spirit Fairs around the country and internationally.
I found also that being aware at these subtle levels opens one's awareness to Spirit and allows the communication to take place between one's senses and those people in Spirit that may wish to communicate from the other side of the veil. These gifts allow me to work as a Medium in the Spiritualist Churches and work as a Self Improvement Expert in my coaching work.
I have published my own book describing this wonderful journey of self-realisation, called A Journey into the Self A look at the multi-dimensional nature of being human by George E. Lockett.
BookSurge, a Division of Amazon, published this. The book describes a number of events in my life that could be regarded as Paranormal Experiences.
More recently I have joined the Humanity's Team, an organisation founded by Neale Donald Walsch, who wrote the "Conversations with God" series of books.
Humanity's Team is leading the way to this New Spirituality, which is developing on the planet at this time. As we change our underlying beliefs about Life and God and start to realise our own true nature.
Useful links to my website:
I have listed below some of the important links on my website to give you a better understanding of my work.
If you would like me to send healing to you or someone else, please click the link below to Request Distant Healing:
You may also find it helpful to listen to one of my Guided Meditations or Radio Interviews or read the Articles listed, in the links below:I have made a number of Guided Meditations, which can be listened to on this site: http://www.healergeorge.com/guided_meditation.htm
I have made some Radio Interviews on this link: http://www.healergeorge.com/radio_shows.htm
I have written a number of articles and they can be viewed on this link:
Just click on the title to open the articles.If you would like to purchase my book: “A Journey Into The Self – The Multi-dimensional Nature of Being Human by George E. Lockett please click on this link; It will make a great present:
EBook version:
I hope you find the above information helps us to understand each other better. If you visit any page on my website you can join the Yahoo Group, this will send you my latest articles automatically.
Love and Light,
George E. Lockett
Abundance Angel Poem
Abundance Angel brings to me
Wealth, joy, love that I can see;
My feelings tingle as I perceive
Abundance I can hardly believe
Abundance of Wealth flows into me
Flooding my life with prosperity;
My abundance awakens my memory
Of the love I hold for all I see
Abundance of Joy makes my heart sing
As I thank you for the wealth you bring;
I chant with grace and harmony
As I live my life abundantly
Abundance of Love, you are real
As I open my heart to the warmth I feel;
Draw us together to hug and share,
And show one another that we care
Abundance Angel, I sing your praise
As you shower your gifts down in new ways;
We merge as one; we expand and grow
Swimming together in life's flow
By George E. Lockett
I work as an energy healer and have my own Website: http://www.healergeorge.com Where I offer distant healing: http://www.healergeorge.com/absent_healing.htm Give Away Free MP3 Guided Meditation: http://www.healergeorge.com/guided_meditation.htm
I have my own Radio Show:
Please cantact me if you want HealerGeorge to appear at one of your events.
I work as a Self Improvement Expert and coach people individually and in day and weekend workshops.
George E. Lockett
5 Glan Rhonwy
LL54 6BD
UNited Kingdom
Email: george@healergeorge.com
Tel: +44 1286 882701
Mob: +44 7791 023993
Skype Username: healergeorge
Messenger: gelockett@hotmail.com