My name is Bryan P. Hollis. I am a freelance writer and editor that primarily specializes in article marketing, press releases, ebook writing and editing, blogging, and much more. I mostly focus on the internet and web content, or what I affectionately term "Cyber-Writing". I am the founder of Mid Carolina Freelance , a small but effective group of freelance writers. I am also the Managing Editor of these websites:
Expertly Fit - Health, Fitness, and Nutrition - Offering the latest information and products related to health, fitness, and nutrition.
Publishworthy - Free Article Submissions - Free article submission site for those looking to create free one-way, "do-follow" backlinks to their website.
The Best Publishers - Free Article Submissions - Free article submission site for those looking to create free one-way, "do-follow" backlinks to their website.
I would list the articles I have written, but it would be much easier to tell you to Google me by my two pen names: Bryan P. Hollis, and Bryan Hollis
I'm not really that big into quotes, so I'll give my simple "thoughts" about what I do. I believe in listening to the client and working to accomplish the results that they desire, while at the same time offering them my suggestions related to their topics or goals based on past experience, quality feedback, etc. (In other words, I recommend doing what works!)
The best way to learn more about me and what I have to offer is through communication and correspondence. This is, in my opinion, the best way to network with anyone on a business level. Being open and honest, rather than being politically correct is also important in understanding one another. This is not to say to avoid being diplomatic altogether!
You may contact me easily regarding any subject that I can be of assistance. If you need ANY information on my writing services, or about the other websites that I manage, please use the following email address: .
I look forward to corresponding with you, Bryan P. Hollis