With the ever-increasing growth of information available on the internet, most people find this in the way of other's blogsites. More and more people are being drawn to the idea of creating their own blog. Coming-up with the concept and idea for your blog can be like a fantasy. Exploring all the possibilities of what you want your blog to be about can take you on a journey. You may be a baker, or you may enjoy showing others how to repair their car. Whatever you decide, make sure you take the appropriate measures before the commencement of your new blogsite.
First, as mentioned, you'll want to decide what your blog will be about. Whether you want to monetize your site or just post for fun and to be helpful, the world of blogging is at your fingertips.
So you've decided what you're going to blog about. Now you'll want to find an appropriate and fitting domain name. This part is getting tougher with time, as so many names are taken. You'll need to be creative, but don't go too far off-base or people will wonder "what in the world is this all about"?
You have now decided what you're going to blog about and what your blog will be called, so the next step is to choose your blogging platform. I highly recommend using WordPress as a blogging platform. There are several reasons why.
WordPress offers an extremely user-friendly blogging interface. It requires little to no skill in programming. As with any program, you'll have to get used to navigating your way around the dashboard, which you'll find is a cinch.
WordPress also offers thousands of free plug-ins (upgrades) to tailor your site to fit your needs. You'll find thousands of free themes available, and even the more customized themes can be had for a small fee.
You'll need to also find a top-notch WordPress Hosting Company , one that has 24/7/365 Live phone-in customer support, especially for beginners. These guys will be there to help you through all your "newbie" troubles.
Now that you have gotten the basic order of steps to take, before you actually launch your site, you should seek the FREE advice of a Professional SEO Firm . No strings attached, just some friendly advice to get you started. It's much easier to get off on the right foot than it is to do "damage repair"!
So, get excited about your blogging potential, make a plan, and get going! You'll find great joy in sharing with the whole world what you love to think about, and now...write about. Good luck with your new blogging adventures!
Bryan P. Hollis is a professional marketer and Founder / President of Mid Carolina Freelance - A Complete SEO Firm. Additionally, he remains a writer and is an "expert" at Self Growth in the area of Marketing. He has over 15 years experience as the Head of Marketing or President of various firms. He enjoys meeting people that he can learn new and innovative ideas from as well.