Stacey learned through the “school of hard-knocks” what battling with weight is like! By age six, she was an overweight child, who grew into an obese teenager. The trend continued, and by her mid 20’s she was morbidly obese, weighing in at just over 300 lbs. Stacey was a great dieter! She had no trouble at all losing the weight, but was really challenged by trying to keep it off after the diet was over. This resulted in years of yo-yo dieting. Each weight loss was followed by a gain of even more weight, pushing the scales higher and higher with each passing year. Finally she was advised by an expert to “stop dieting forever”, which turned out to be the best advice possible. And it was only by following this advice, and switching her focus from her stomach to her brain that she was able to finally achieve, and easily maintain , a healthy body weight. So now Stacey is making it her life’s work to share what she has lived and learned with the millions of others who are trapped in the same weight loss/weight gain cycle! She has “been there, done that” and knows the way out! All you have to do is follow! Stacey is a dynamic and entertaining speaker, and is available for interviews, speaking engagements and teleconference calls. To reach Stacey, please call 416 463 7070.
We at Why Are You Weighting? know that an effective, long-term weight strategy must include the trilogy of Thinking, Eating, Moving. All three of these areas must be addressed to affect permanent changes, and that is why we are currently developing the Why Are You Weighting? Eating and Moving Plans, to accompany the Thinking concepts taught in the book Why Are You Weighting?
We have formed the Million Pound Club (MPC) at , which is an online community of people all working together to shed a total of 1,000,000 pounds of excess weight! The ongoing total is displayed through the Pound-O-Meter on the website, and membership in this club is free.
Stay tuned for the roll out of the Triumph! Weight Loss Plan plan for Nov 1, 2008. Triumph! will help you finally get a handle on your weight, as you learn and build new habits in how you think, eat and move. In the meantime though, don't wait....join our website at now to ensure you receive our newsletters, tips, announcements etc. Also order your copy of the book and begin today to change the way you think about your weight, your body and yourself!
After all, our Thoughts create our Feelings. Our Feelings create our Actions. And our Actions create our Results. If you don't like the results you are getting in any area of your life, you must take a look at the thoughts you are holding, and begin at once to change them!
Also coming soon, an Audio book version of Why Are You Weighting?
"You are in control of your life. Don't ever forget that. Don't ever forget that you are what you are because of the conscious and unconscious choices you have made." Barbara Hall
"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." Allan Kay
Why Are You Weighting? was written to help others shorten the learning curve about resolving their own weight issues. Stacey took her 20+ years of experience and learning, and has condensed it all into an easy-to-read and easy-to-follow program that will have you feeling good about yourself as you let go of those pounds forever!
To learn more about Stacey and Why Are You Weighting? book and programs, please visit
Stacey is available for intervies, speaking engagements, conference calls. Please call 416 463 7070 or email to