Personal Promise:
Help ordinary people transform their potential into extraordinary lives fulll of purpose, passion and prosperity.
Russ "Success Sensei" Small Quotes
"Imagination is the cause and your life is the effect" --- Russ Small
"You are constantly manifesting with your imagination whether you believe you are and regardless if you are doing it deliberately or not." --- Russ Small
"So you say, so you are... so will be" --- Russ Small
"Any thing or event that shows up in the moment and captures your attention is a gift of awareness that can guide you closer to knowing your true inner self" --- Russ Small
"Every single cell in your body has an intrinsic desire to both expand and preserve, your conscious awareness is the by-product of this paradoxial struggle." --- Russ Small
"Syncronicity, coincedence, and intuition are all messengers that speak to us softly through subtle hints and clues." --- Russ Small
"Any imbalance from within will continue to seek expression without until addressed." --- Russ Small
"The relationships that you have with others is a reflection of the relationship that you hold with yourself." --- Russ Small
"What you see in others that fears and frustrates you reflects more of you than it does of them." --- Russ Small
"I have found throughout my life from talking to people that most of us really do want to change certain aspects of our life, the problem is that we don't want to have to change anything to make it happen." --- Russ Small
"What you resist will persist. To free yourself from an existence of resistance you must be consistent, persistent and patient." --- Russell Small
"The small percentage of people that persist past the feeling of fear and failure by serving themselves daily doses of discipline are the 2% of the population that change the world." --- Russ Small
"Your businesses is an extension of the mental, physical, spiritual and emotional relationship with your imagination." --- Russ Small
"It makes the most sense to plan for the future because that is where you'll soon live." --- Russ Small"As a matter of fact nothing in life is a matter of what happens to you, it matters only whether you choose to react or respond." --- Russ Small
"Every moment you have an opportunity to adopt a perspective that will set you up to move forward or ultimately hold you back, this precious choice is all yours." --- Russ Small
"The biggest gift you can give anybody, especially loved ones, is your ability to share time and space with them in a manner that matters." --- Russ Small
"To learn at the speed of success you must continually fail forward armed with only your creativity." --- Russ Small
"The number one obstacle in the way of all the peace, prosperity, and power you deserve is... Your Mindset! Take my 5-Week Self-Reflection Program and begin mastering your mindset immediately! ($97.00 Value)Start right now and learn important things about your SELF at absolutely no cost with no strings attached!
Read more perspectives and find further life changing strategies by checking out Russ's website . While you're there be sure to download Russ's special report "The 7 Imagination Misuses"!
2131 50th Avenue S.W. Calgary, AB. T2T-2W5
Phone: 403.668.4616
Fax: 347.214.5595
E-mail: russell(-at-)