Hang out with positive people
Avoid negative people
Hang up pictures of loved ones
Call a friend
Call a relative you haven't been in touch with for a long time just to say "Hi, I was thinking about you!"
Smile at someone
Acknowledge a complete stranger with a greetings, good morning, etc
Whenever you hear an ambulance or police siren, silently wish everyone well
Sing! Make a point of singing out loud
Laugh at yourself
Keep a folder of funny (tasteful) jokes & pictures around your desk to lift your spirits
Mail a note to a former teacher, any teacher from primary school through university thanking them
Write out a thank you card or note and send it to your local fire station
Write a sincere and positive "letter to the Editor" about any issue you like
Write a letter to your mother thanking her for something she has given you
Sincerely compliment at least 3 people
Acknowledge yourself for a job well done or for a well-deserved compliment
Keep a good job folder full of thank you notes from other people and special recognitions
Celebrate a previous success
Take a couple of deep breaths
Get up and walk around
Look out a window
Wish upon a star
Get a glass of water
Eat a healthy snack
Get some fresh air
Find an outdoor swing and hop on
Turn on the radio or change the station
Learn, try and savour a new ethnic food today
Spend some time by yourself in an art gallery and really look at the art
Adjust your focus – look at something else for a few minutes
Give yourself permission to day dream for a minute or two
Give yourself permission to be non-judgmental for as long as you can practice
Visit a florist and admire the flowers
Buy a single flower or a small bouquet and give it away
Buy, grow and nurture a plant
Volunteer your time
Donate to the food bank
Pay for the vehicle behind you in the drive-thru
Take a box of soft chocolates to a seniors' residence
Make or buy two lunches for yourself today and give one away
Go through your closet and find 3 items that you will take to a charity
Treat yourself to something special, but inexpensive enough that there are no feelings of guilt
Buy yourself something at a thrift store
Buy something for a friend at a thrift store
Rearrange furniture or paint a wall
Organize your work area
Clean up a cluttered area in your house
Restate your goals for life, get back in focus
Get a different perspective on the situation
Name the good things in your life
Remember your strengths
Recall a special event in your life and relive the good feelings
Before you go to sleep tonight, let your last thoughts be "Thank you!"
When you wake up tomorrow let your first words be "Thank you!"
Close your eyes and silently thank someone in your life who has had a positive effect on you
Write down one person from each decade of your life that you have positively affected
Teach somebody something that you know with patience and attention
Challenge yourself today and do something nice for someone you don't really like
Clip out an article or picture that someone you know might like and mail it to them
Learn something from someone today being attentive and grateful for the new knowledge
Go to an animal shelter to visit the animals, make a donation before you leave
Introduce someone new into your circle of friends
Keep some potpourri on your desk or light scented candles
Say something nice to someone
Imagine something fun that will have a positive effect on you or others and go do it.
Russ's Personal Mission: To help ordinary people transform their potential into extraordinary lives full of passion, prosperity and purpose. As a Calgary Life Coach Russ Small helps people achieve goals, live confidently, fall in love, find balance, and establish healthy habits using the power of their imagination. As a Certified Subconscious Restructuring Coach, Russ offers clients an evidenced-based 7-step program process that get results in depression , stress, anxiety, motivation, weight loss, eating disorders, and more. Life doesn't have to be full of regret, pain, struggle and frustration. Contact Russ today and find out how you can get started on the road back to wellness and emotional bliss!