There are two kinds of Shaman. Some people have a gift and study for years to develop that gift into a powerful healing art. Ross is what is called a natural Shaman, someone who was born blessed with a natural gift for healing. Ross has studied traditional shamanism and has brought the core of the ancient traditions into a form that can be used by people of our culture and time.
In a former life, Ross was president of an advertising agency and a communications executive. After that, he taught creative thinking. Seeing the limitations that fear placed on people's creative passions and the limitations it brought in his own life brought Ross to undertake a spiritual journey in search of answers. That journey covered many miles and several continents.
Ross had a private healing practice in Santa Fe for 20 years and relocated several years ago to Charlottesville, Virginia. In 1998 Ross wrote his first book Healing The Shadow , which looks at the dark forces in our lives, their powerful role in affecting us and how we can deal with them. In 2004 Ross released his second book, Truth which offers a spiritual explanation of life and offers many healing techniques. In January of 2008 Ross released his third book, Journey to Enlightenment.
Ross writes extensively about life and spirituality on his web site. His articles, books and CDs can be found at:
Life is not about becoming something different than you already are. Life is about finding out that it’s safe to let go of what you’re not - of all the protective things you cling to that hold you back. You are already the magnificent being you are “becoming.” The evolution is in your consciousness. Your learning the truth is the crux of the transformational process called enlightenment.