Dr. Sinor is a retired psychotherapist. She counseled individuals exploring the healing and recovery of Addictions, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Childhood Abuse/Incest, Adult Children of Alcoholics, and codependent/self-esteem issues.
Barbara is the author of six books. Her newest book to be released in April 2014 titled The Pact: Messages from the Other Side. She is releasing her first novel, Finding Destiny . on September 1s, 2016.
Dr. Sinor is coauthor of Beyond Words: A Lexicon of Metaphysical Thought and author of Gifts From the Child Within. Her follow-up book, An Inspirational Guide for the Recovering Soul can be opened to any page for inspiration and guidance. This book is a companion guidebook for further growth and understanding of the personal healing and recovery process which can be used by anyone dealing with past or present trauma. Barbara coauthored ADDICTION: What’s Really Going On? Inside a Heroin Treatment Program and her fifth book Tales of Addiction and Inspiration for Recovery which documents personal stories from those who have been or are addicted to drugs and/or alcohol, or those whose life has been affected by addiction through friends and family, was released in 2010.
Dr. Sinor received her Doctorate in Psychology at the Southern California University for Professional Studies in 1997. She received her Master of Arts degree from John F. Kennedy University.
Tales of Addiction and Inspiration for Recovery
Barbara Sinor, Ph.D.
Tales of Addiction and Inspriation for Recovery
contains true grit bleeding tales told by people you will never meet but whose words will haunt you for months, years maybe. The contributors are not well known, they are not names you will recognize. The stories are written by every day people trying to stay straight and sober, and others written by loved ones searching for clues to the addiction game. Over two dozen addiction stories are presented, ranging from triumph over drug abuse to coping with the pitfalls of relapse and the challenges of recovery. Between the stories of those brave souls who chose to submit their personal addiction tale is one story from my son, Richard. His personal Journal is interwoven throughout the book and my own words are found next to my son’s echoing his pain and personal journey as I witness his life’s drama as an alcoholic.
The stories were collected for two years through web site advertisements, workshops, and a “Call for Stories” bulletin. Some lines jump off the pages to grip the reader’s heart and mind leading him toward personal insight. Wry humor parts the reader’s lips with, “I am addicted to anything I take twice and makes me feel good!” and “I went to a party when I was eleven-years old and didn’t get back until I was forty-five.” Poetry fills the heart with lines like, “Days seem to run together like stitches on a hem” and “I turn trash into treasures, the same way God did with me.” Still other passages fill the heart with tears.
Tales of Addiction and Inspiration for Recovery
offers deep insight into ourselves and those we love. Between the potent stories, the reader finds pertinent information surrounding addiction recovery which presents an awareness of how the public can help those with drug or alcohol addictions. Various literature is introduced which allows the reader to discover how anyone of us can be of service to our addiction population. Issues are addressed concerning Drug Courts, Integral or Holistic treatment alternatives, the spiritual component in recovery, appropriate intervention, and new findings in the area of addiction and neuro-scientific research.
The target readership is the general adult population whether clean and straight, addicted, or in recovery. This book is for anyone with an interest in understanding the reality of drug and alcohol addiction; the impact substance abuse has on our nation’s population; the choices individuals have taken on their addiction journey; and, instruction on how to help guide those addicted toward sobriety. This book should be read by teachers, social workers, medical professionals, counselors, teenagers, those incarcerated, college students, government officials, those addicted and their loved ones.
The Pact to be released in April of 2014:
"The Pact: Messages from the Other Side takes the reader on an adventure through time while weaving tales of love and determination. A vow between two souls finds us tracing the steps of present and past lifetimes devoted to uncovering the mysterious cycles of life, birth, death, and rebirth. Join the author as she searches with her departed husband to reveal their souls’ explorations through time and space. The Pact is a fascinating mixture of memoir accounts and past life narratives reconstructed to allow the reader a glimpse into the metaphysics of life."
If you are not familiar with our national addiction to drugs, statistics from SAMHSA’s (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration) National Survey on Drug Use & Health (2007) show that there is an estimated 22.3 million persons over the age of twelve with substance dependence or abuse within the past year which is almost ten percent of our national population. Approximately, 1.6 million people received treatment at a specialty facility and 6.2 million people who reportedly felt they needed treatment but did not receive help for their problem.
My motivation for wanting to write Tales of Addiction and Inspiration for Recovery came when I completed ADDICTION: What’s Really Going On? Inside a Heroin Treatment Program with my friend and colleague Deborah McCloskey. While researching the field of drug and alcohol addiction, it has become clear that more effort is needed to fully understand the plight of our addiction population, as well as, how this population can help guide younger generations toward the freedom of sobriety through the sharing of their own personal stories.
My hope is that those who choose to read my books take some insight, some tool which will help guide them toward a better understanding of themselves and others. My last title is a contempory memoir which explores the reality of reincarnation. Check this book's web page on my website below: The Pact: Messages from the Other Side. Finding Destiny my new fiction novel will released on September 1, 2016.
Please visit my web site and Blog for more updated information
about me and my work!
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The Pact: Messages from the Other Side
Book publication date April 2010!
Please contact me by email: Barbara@DrSinor.com
Visit my web site at: www.DrSinor.com
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