Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, M.A. is a Channel for the Angelic Realms & Spiritual Teacher. She serves as a direct-voice channel for a group of Higher Guides, Josephus & the Wisdom Council . Through classes, workshops and one-on-one coaching, Laurel helps clients in awakening to their Divine Guidance and stepping forward in their life's mission.She has worked with hundreds of clients and loves celebrating the uniqueness of each person's journey.
Laurel has been doing this work full-time since 2006 when she left the corporate world to live her dream. Through their company, Illuminating Souls, Laurel & her husband, Wes, specialize in supporting clients in connecting with their mystical abilities. They love mentoring other practitioners in stepping out into the world to share their gifts. In addition, Laurel has recently co-created Big Sparkly Life with Jo Anna Rothman . Together they coach people to living lives filled with magic, action and awesomeness! Laurel holds a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology.
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We offer a wide variety of teleclasses & in-person classes in Northern CA to assist you in awakening more fully into your gifts. Our classes include Learn to Channel, Energizing Your Business, Angel Messenger Training and more!
Right now, there is a huge shift in consciousness taking place on the planet. Many Lightworkers are feeling called to higher levels of service. This is a time of great change, and many are needed to help light the way for others.
For many of us, this “activation” can feel too big, too much and we are left wondering if we are enough for this job. A part of us may be fearful of our connection with the Divine and with our mystical abilities. This can be caused by energetic residue from this lifetime or others. But the truth is, working with the light is the real reason we are here. And when we step forward in service to our Divine calling, we can feel the blessing of home resonating through all that we are.
To assist others in opening the line of energy that will propel them on their Divine path, I assist the client in connecting with their own Divine Guidance and Intuition. During sessions, I hold the energy from the angelic realms. The angels help to clear the way for another’s answers to be delivered. The energy begins working through me and the client. An important facet of these sessions is that the client is an active participant in coming into his or her own answers. The message is stronger this way because it is not delivered as prophecy or fortune telling. Rather it is a process of attunement to their own Divine knowing. This connection is amplified with loving assistance from the angelic realms.
During sessions, a beautiful energy fills the room. Love permeates everything and the veil is made very thin. The opportunity is ripe for healing, renewed clarity, and connection with the client’s own mystical abilities.
We are all a part of God. This approach recognizes that we are whole & complete and the connection to the Divine realms is inherent in each of us.
It is time now. You are ready. The angels are here, ready to help you use your God-given gifts in a big way. It is my blessing to assist you on the path of light.
At Illuminating Souls we seek to connect you with your own angelic team. We LOVE helping Lightworkers awaken to their gifts and abilities. Consider us your angelic cheerleaders. Our sessions are designed to inspire you, help clear any blocks that might be on your path, bring healing to the places in your life where healing is needed and to assist you in finding the courage to live boldly in the world.