Mercury retrograde is one of those things I mark on my calendar months ahead of time. Experience has taught me that it is important to be mindful during these transits.
Sometimes a retrograde can bring forth tender emotions. You may find that you’re exhuming old emotional energies. And it’s the really old stuff. The stuff you’ve been carrying since before you can remember. Stuff having to do with self-worth, faith and personal empowerment .
For many people life can suddenly feel too small. They feel stuck. They’re using all of their spiritual resources, yet not able to make the shifts they desire. If this is your experience, please allow your angels to shower you with love and know that this, too, shall pass.
A recent retrograde illuminated some deeply rooted beliefs about money and well-being that I hadn’t even realized were in play for me. One day as I was contemplating some of the places in my life where I had been feeling stuck — I surfed the energy and allowed the stories in my mind to wander until, BAM!, there they were. Lurking under the surface. Subtly influencing my experience of life.
It is the quiet that we can hear the whispers…
The beliefs and judgments that are unearthed during retrogrades can feel like whispers. They are easy to miss in the cacophony of a busy life. But they are potent. And have much wisdom to share.
If you find old emotional material is triggered during a retrograde, the angels counsel you to sit in the loving and dive in deep to explore the beliefs and stories that are in play. They say to meet the energies with compassion and love. As the angels say, “Love is the antidote to everything.”
The angels say not to rush to complete with the energies. Sometimes these lines of energy are old and deep. Sit with them so that you can really follow their root system. This can take time. But it is time well spent.
A retrograde can provide an opportunity to clear yourself at a very deep level. It takes patience, compassion and love. Your angels can help you with this.
During a retrograde allow yourself to sit in the quiet and clear your energetic closet. What “stories” of the past are you still carrying with you? Are there places in your life where forgiveness can liberate you from carrying around the past? Is there a judgment about yourself or the world that you are willing to let go? Is there somewhere you have been holding yourself back from shining your light?
You are in the midst of profound change. The prayers and intentions you have been seeding into the world are making manifest. Clearing the energetic closet is a way of making room for the new life you are cultivating.
Know that you are loved, celebrated and cherished!
God Bless. Namaste. Peace be with You.
Laurel Bleadon-Maffei, M.A. of Illuminating Souls is a Channel of the Angelic Realms & Spiritual Teacher. She serves as a direct-voice channel for a group of Higher Guides, Josephus & the Wisdom Council. Through classes, workshops and one-on-one coaching, Laurel helps clients in awakening to their Divine Guidance and stepping forward in their life's mission.She has worked with hundreds of clients and loves celebrating the uniqueness of each person's journey.