Within the natural health & wellness industry, Jeff Anderson is widely referred to as the "Champion For The Average Joe”.
And with good reason…
Jeff has earned a reputation as a vocal opponent of a corrupt corporate presence in society that not only exposes us to dangerous toxins, but also perpetuates reliance on dangerous drugs versus natural healing to overcome the resulting effects that make us fat, sick, weak, and unhappy.
With a primary focus on male hormonal health, Jeff was shocked to uncover the alarming rate at which men are systematically being “feminized” as each generation of men are realizing lower and lower levels of testosterone.
As an “over 40” male facing the seemingly inevitable decline in his own hormonal health, Jeff made a commitment to lead a revolt against the toxins, environmental estrogen's, and lifestyle factors in the developed world that attack testosterone from every angle.
Seeking out the most cutting edge experts in the area of how to naturally increase testosterone , Jeff pulled together an “A-Team” lineup of naturopaths, medical doctors, and fitness experts to create The Testosterone Solution program, the most comprehensive manual to-date on how to naturally increase testosterone.
Jeff’s mission for 2012 & 2013 is to empower 250,000 men to reclaim their hormonal health through natural health programs and dispel the notion that we as men are doomed to accept declining testosterone as a part of aging or give in to the lure of potentially dangerous hormone replacement therapy.
Today Jeff has a loyal following of men who look to him for cutting edge research and natural health alternatives.
You may read more about Jeff and The Testosterone Solution Program and at www.HowToIncreaseTestosterone.com
For media and joint venture inquiries, please contact The Testosterone Solution Support Team @ www.CQCMemberSupport.com and provide full details of your reason for contact.