Ingrid Bacci is an internationally recognized healer, author and inspirational trainer of personal and physical self-empowerment. Her two books, The Art of Effortless Living (Perigee, 2002) and Effortless Pain Relief (Simon & Schuster, 2005), both of which are translated into numerous languages, have been Book of the Month Club selections and have been featured in Oprah’s magazine “O”, among others. Ingrid teaches at retreats throughout the United States and Europe, and is a gifted medical intuitive. She also offers trainings for corporations, teaches pain-reduction seminars for the HMO United Healthcare, and teaches craniosacral therapy internationally for the Upledger Institute.
Ingrid is a pioneer in creating and teaching mind-body techniques to transform one’s life from a pattern of stress, effort, struggle, scarcity consciousness, physical and emotional pain, and even disease, to a condition of effortless achievement, inner and outer abundance, mental and emotional optimization, and radiant health. Her deep expertise grew out an abrupt and catastrophic change in her own life. After graduating summa cum laude from Harvard University and receiving a doctorate from Columbia University in only four years, Ingrid had started a career as a college professor when she became crippled by a severe connective tissue disease. Mostly bedridden for three years, she found that prolonged medication and hospital care failed to help her. She then embarked on an exploration of bodywork and mind-body techniques, and healed herself completely. This led to a radical shift in her career. First, she trained in and began to teach numerous forms of bodywork and self-awareness techniques (Ingrid is a certified teacher of the Alexander Technique, and a certified Craniosacral therapist) for healing from chronic pain. Then she expanded further, exploring how the powerful mind-body tools she had identified could not only eliminate pain and disease, but also transform limiting emotional, mental and behavioral patterns in all areas of life. She realized that the principles of effortless living that she had developed for eliminating physical pain could also be utilized to create loving and synergistic relationships, professional achievement, material well-being, intuitive self-development, and the capacity for spiritual service.
Through her lectures, workshops, individual consultations and educational products, Ingrid teaches clients how to use self-awareness techniques to find complete personal empowerment. The process of achieving this is two-fold. First, clients release the negative conditioning which creates self-sabotage, struggle, fear, doubt and anger, and which result in external failure or only limited success. Second, they cultivate the inner experiences of effortlessness, depth, tranquility and power, and learn how to apply these to daily activities and goal-setting. This process automatically improves health, creates inner and outer abundance, and fosters a deep sense of life purpose. The personal sense of effortlessness that accompanies full self-empowerment, and that is the hallmark of finding one’s life purpose, is not only the highest of gifts. It is also the precondition for empowering others and promoting social healing.
1) Where is the limitation in your life? Is it in physical illness or pain? In emotional pain, unrest or frustration? In mental lack of focus? And as a result, is your life less than it might be? There are relatively simple tools, once you understand them, for freeing yourself from limitation and blocks, and opening to authenticity and empowerment. My goal is to help you free yourself.
2) All of us experience obstacles in our lives. While those obstacles may be frustrating, the purpose of those obstacles, from a higher point of of view, is to help you clear out from your life what is limiting you. The more quickly you see what you are clinging to that you need to let go of, the more quickly you transform and empower yourself. And since our blocks are stored in our bodies, bodily self-awareness and energetic healing work are indispensable tools for achieving that goal.
3) Most illness and pain has a spiritual function: to bring your awareness to what is holding you back, and help you grow into a finer version of yourself. This becomes very clear when you explore energy work and craniosacral therapy. These tools free you by helping you release denser energies, and move into a lighter state of being. The result: letting go of physical toxins, emotional toxins, and mental toxins, and approaching life from a new, and empowering vantage point.
4) Your life is meant to be effortless. Therefore, if you pursue effortlessness as a goal, you will automatically find everything you truly need and desire. I discovered this many years ago, when, as a top achiever, I suffered a crippling disease. Through that, I learned to let go of 'doing' and embrace 'being' by practicing deeper and deeper experiences of letting go. The result was a profound transformation into my true self. That process is what I teach you, through my books, The Art of Effortless Living and Effortless Pain Relief , and through my one-on-one work and retreats.
Contact Ingrid Bacci, and find out more about free articles and downloads, and about products and services, by going to:
Ingrid Bacci, PhD, CST
341 Furnace Dock Rd.
Unit #1
Cortlandt Manor NY 10567