I'm a Transformational & Spiritual Coach/Counselor based in the Boulder, CO area. My work is devoted to assisting people and families in re-balancing themselves into greater authenticity and passion in and for their lives. After 17 years in the corporate world being an executive, leader, and manager - particularly in the area of Human Resources - I started a life coaching practice in 1995, in addition to leading workshops around the country in the area of healing family-of-origin issues.
My coaching and counseling work is Spiritually oriented, blending mind, body, & Spirit. My clientele are people going through significant life transitions, mid-life re-tuning, and relationship issues. One of my passions is helping couples that have been together for a long time re-invent their relationships towards a new-found passion and excitement for using their relationship to bring their gifts to the world inside and outside the home.
I also have spent the last 10 years working with men in men's groups on issues relating to relationship, career, and spiritual issues.
I'm a major music and film buff, a writer, and live with my wife and son, continually lurching towards my own delightful balance of Spirit-full and Human natures.
There are currently three programs that I offer to people, in addition to my one-on-one coaching and counseling work (done by phone or in-person):
Raising Your Spirit's Voice Workshop- A three-day intensively experiential experience that takes you to the heart of your authentic, divine, powerful self and trains you in ways to also break free from the bonds of patterns and habits you have that are repetitively self-defeating.
Growing Up In Your Relationships Workshop- A three-day workshop that helps you see how you are replicating your family of origin's patterns in your relationship with yourself, friends, co-workers, and partners, and how to move beyond that in a loving, graceful way.
Transcending Survival: Stretching Toward the Divine Teleseminar- A four-part Teleseminar that teaches you how to move beyond the limits of being caught in "Survival Energy" by expanding and cultivating greater energetic capacity to be deeply connected with yourself and your life purpose...no matter what your circumstances may be.
For more information, go to www.geofflaughton.com .
After 17 years in the corporate world, where my Spirit felt stifled and my gifts weren't being offered to the world, I made the decision to give my gifts of compassion, insight, and transformational technologies to others. I've since dedicated my life to providing sacred, loving environments for people to newly re-create and/or reinvent their passion and pathways for personal, professional, and spiritual expansion.
It's known that it takes risk, and a willingness to go way beyond our comfort zones, to be able to grow. Yet, the human Spirit cannot help but follow its innate hunger for neverending expansion. I guide and assist people in being able to identify just what it is that is needed for them to respond to their inner calling for expansion and authentic life expression, and then assist them in implementing what's needed.
The best way to become acquainted with who I am, how I am, and ways that those two things could be of assistance to you - besides looking at my website or blog - is to call me at 303-953-9215 and take advantage of a free 40-minute consultation with me.
Geoff Laughton Transformational Coaching & Counseling
PO Box 1332
Erie, CO 80516