Diane has been a psycho-spiritual counselor for over 20 years, has written several books, and has developed a training program to teach alternative practitioners, coaches, counselors, and ministers how to teach others the Art of Conscious Dying into the Light so they can become Transition Guides for their loved ones and friends. Diane came to the field of conscious dying as a result of having had a near death experience in 1971 during which she was shown the process of transition and given information to help her pursue her spiritual mission as a human being. Since then she has spent many years studying and meditating; evolving toward higher consciousness and sharing what has been revealed to her through her writings and her web sites. This is her spiritual path. In her human life, she has three children, five grandchildren and a dog named Spirit. Visit Diane on the web at http://www.BeyondtheVeil.net and http://www.ArtOfConsciousDying.com
Transition Guide Training for Trainers - a 6-week Course for teachers, trainers, speakers, alternative practitioners, coaches, counselors, hypnotherapists, spiritual ministers, hospice volunteers, nurses, caregivers, to learn the Art of Conscious Dying to teach others to become Transition Guides. The course for Certified Transition Guide Trainers (Level I) involves a self-study program with weekly conference calls to go over assignments. Graduates receive a Certificate of Completion and license to teach others the Art of Conscious Dying. For details, go to http://www.artofconsciousdying.com .
We are not human beings with souls, we are spiritual beings having multiple human being experiences to learn about existence in the physical dimension.
There is no death, only the transition from one dimension to another; only the transformation from physical to spiritual being.
Death is the doorway to the spiritual world.
Physical death is an opportunity for spiritual growth to the soul.
We have a body, but we are not our body. We have emotions, but we are not our emotions. We have an intellect, but we are not our intellect. We are not our things, we are not our accomplishments, we are not our talents or abilities. We are not who we think we are. Who we really are is the observer, the watcher, the one who continues on after our bodies die.
We can celebrate death as our graduation from the University of Life on Earth.
There is nothing more urgent today than accelerating the evolution of consciousness to the heart. People of higher consciousness solve problems without resorting to violence. People of higher consciousness harbor no hatred, anger, vengeance, jealousy, greed, judgement, intolerance toward others; they act from a place of all-inclusive love and compassion.
Death is part of our developmental process, not the end of us.
We have the sleep of forgetfulness when we transition into the physical world and the clarity of awakened consciousness when we transition back home.