CJ Scarlet is an author, motivational speaker and certified life transitions coach. In 2000 CJ became will with a life-threatening heart condition that left her debilitated and miserable. Then, in the midst of her greatest despair, CJ met a Tibetan lama who taught her the secret to a happy life. By following his simple commands, she was able to find lasting happiness and healing. Today she devotes her life to helping other achieve the happiness they deserve. As a certified personal coach, CJ works with people who are facing life-threatening illnesses, to help them learn to live their remaining time—however short or long—with peace, joy and equanimity, and without regrets. CJ Scarlet is an award-winning photojournalist and editor with twenty-nine years of marketing, public relations and professional writing experience, including hundreds of news and feature articles for military and civilian publications. She has given speeches and workshops at state, national and international events. With seventeen years as an advocate for individuals facing tragedy and trauma, and a Humanities Master’s Degree in Human Violence, CJ has a solid understanding of the myriad physical and emotional challenges people face and how they habitually—and often ineffectually—respond to them. As Director of Victim Issues for the North Carolina Attorney General’s Office, CJ initiated and co-chaired the nation’s first Statewide Automated Victim Notification System, which saves lives by ensuring victims are automatically notified when their perpetrators are released from custody. This program was selected as the national model by the U.S. Department of Justice and received several national awards. CJ has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, and was a media spokesperson while serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. In 2000 she was one of twenty women in the country selected to present at Springboard Enterprises Mid-Atlantic Venture Capital Forum, which showcases women-led companies to venture capitalists from across the country. As a result of her exposure at this event, CJ was featured in Entrepreneur magazine (December 2000), Metro magazine (July/August 2000 issue, in which her company was named one of the “High Tech 100” companies to watch in North Carolina), and Triangle Business Journal (June 9, 2000). The USMC Combat Correspondent’s Association and the Thomas Jefferson Awards Program have honored CJ for her writing and editorial skills. CJ has served on a number of boards and commissions, including the National Victims Constitutional Amendment Network and the North Carolina Governor’s Advisory Commission on Military Affairs. She was chosen as Honor Graduate of her platoon in Marine Corps bootcamp and was named Outstanding Young Careerist by the Business & Professional Women’s Club in her region. CJ’s first book, entitled, Neptune’s Gift , will be released in October 2008, and is being heralded as “the next Jonathan Livingston Seagull ” by bestselling author Jack Canfield. She was recently named one of the “Happy 100” people on the planet, and is featured in the new bestseller, Happy for No Reason , by Chicken Soup for the Soul author Marci Shimoff.
You can't make footprints in the sands of time if you're sitting on your butt. And who wants to make buttprints in the sands of time? Bob Moawad
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
To get what you want, give it away. CJ Scarlet