Around 9 p.m. on a Friday night, back in 1976... with a successful business... millions in the bank... a beautiful wife... and an article written about me in Time magazine... I took the elevator to my ten-room duplex penthouse suite in Manhatten... walked over to my terrace... scanned the beautiful view below... and for about 2 hours I...
Seriously Contemplated Suicide!
It was very confusing to me. I had everything any one could want... and yet ... I truly was one miserable creature!
Actually, I now call that day, the second greatest day of my life.
To tell you about the first greatest day of my life... I want "back up" a little and, tell you a curious... but 100% true story about the most fascinating man I've ever met... and... how he made the greatest money, power and happiness secret of our time.
Picture this: In 1952, at the age of 42, a New Jersey physicist and successful businessman suffered his second massive heart attack. In those days, they did not have bypass surgery or heart transplants... so... there was very little the hospital could do for him... and therefore...
He Was Sent Home To Die!
His doctor gave him two weeks to live, three at the most.
Naturally, he was extremely fearful of dying. Even contemplated ending it all by overdosing on the morphine his doctor had prescribed him.
But, he began thinking. He had always been considered a brilliant man. Always on the honor roll. The recipient of a four-year scholarship to Rutgers University back when very few scholarships were handed out. He figured, with all this accumulated knowledge, all this intellect, and all it had gotten him was to the point where he was "staring death in the face".
Upon this realization he said to himself, you're...
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!
After further contemplation, he decided to disregard all his accumulated knowledge... all his books... and, instead, decided to examine his life by going back to the "drawing board within".
He noticed that each time he was ill, he was wanting something. He wanted money. He wanted love. And, most of all he wanted to change things. Then he noticed that whenever he was giving and loving and wasn't wanting anything, he had peace of mind and was not ill. So, he asked himself:
"Well, if I could get rid of all my non-loving feelings, would I get better?"
That was his starting point.
It was only then, that he realized two CORE TRUTHSthat saved his life:
CORE TRUTH #1: He realized that it was his own suppressed feelings that were the root cause of all his problems. It was his own feelings that had destroyed his health... making him suffer in every other way, too .
CORE TRUTH #2: He discovered that he had the inborn, natural ability to "let go" of his feelings. He discovered how to effortlessly release every feeling that was having a negative influence on his life. What is more, he found that the more he released... the lighter, happier, healthier and more loving he became. Suddenly every aspect of his life started getting better. All illness dropped away. All anxieties and miseries dropped away. All struggle; all resistance ended.
By releasing all his feelings of lack... he totally cured himself. Abundance effortlessly started showing up in all areas of his life. In a short while he became a MULTI-MILLIONAIRE. But more importantly, in just three short months he "entered into" a continuous state of DEEP and profound happiness with no sorrow... and stayed in this state of pure blissfor another 40-years!
In case you're wondering, the name of this mysterious gentleman is:
Lester Levenson.
And, it was the day that I met Lester Levenson that is the first greatest day of my life.
Listen to this:I had become determined to find the answer to my personal miseries. And although I was a very "closed" person at the time... and... not receptive to any kind of therapy or self-help stuff, my wife did talk me into some New Age courses. I took a bunch of these... but ...
Misery Was Still My Motto!
Nothing was helping. I just became more and more depressed and frustrated.
Then one day, in 1976, a young man came into my office to sell me a mail order item. I had some interesting spiritual or self-discipline quotations on my wall, and this opened up a conversation as to what I was "into". That's when I first heard about something called the Release® Technique.
It really resonated with me. So I decided to take the course that very weekend. That weekend was the first time I met the most fascinating man I've ever met - Lester Levenson.
Lester became my best friend and mentor. I was fortunate enough to know him for 22 years. Spoke to him almost daily. Took trips with him around the country. And, I was continuously fascinated and amazed by his unshakeable peace and happiness. He too was a multi-millionaire... but... I could never figure out how... because...
He Never Seemed To Work At All!
In fact, everything just seemed to fall effortlessly into his lap.
Actually, Lester told me a lot of things that we're like, "No way!" . One of the first things he said to me was: "There is no such thing as a germ" .
Wow! I mean here I was with a whole repertoire of illnesses: I'd catch colds all the time. Had ulcers, migraine headaches, rose fever, hay fever and just about every allergy known to man. Not to mention, an army of guilt feelings, fear, procrastination, inability to speak up for myself... and... marital problems. In general my life was one big...
“Confusion City”!
That's when Lester told me how to use the Release® Technique to flush out all the illnesses from my body. Sure enough they all disappeared. And, I haven't been to see a doctor in 29 years.
Then one day Lester told me that working is not the ultimate thing to do.
I was like, "What?"
At the time I was working 7 days a week, 16 hours a day. Sure I was making a ton of money... but I was very unhappy and very confused about it.
So, Lester told me how to use the Release® Technique on money.
Again, simply by using the Release® Technique I became even more successful... and... got a lot richer. It was like the damn broke and suddenly an abundance of money started pouring into my life from all directions. And, best of all: I was totally at peace with myself.
Misery Was No Longer My Motto!
That is why I call the day I met Lester, the first greatest day of my life.
What has all this got to do with you?
Actually, EVERYTHING if you want abundance in all areas of your life.
I would like to show you how to use the laughingly simple Release® Technique to get practically anything you want in your life. It's so easy; any can do it!
Larry Crane has been teaching The Release® Technique to executives of Fortune 500 companies for years. He has personally trained businessmen, psychiatrists, psychologists, sports and entertainment celebrities, sales people, managers and housewives in the art of letting go of problems, emotions, stress and subconscious blocks that are holding people back from having total abundance and joy in their lives.
The Release Technique has been taught to over 100,000 graduates worldwide. The Abundance Course IS the Release Technique, the original Release Technique Method as taught by Lester Levenson.
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The Release Technique is the original course, exactly as originally taught by Master Secret Teacher, and Modern American Master, Lester Levenson.
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