About Emily, Her Creativity Coaching and The Creative Soul Works Community
Over the years, my writing and its profound effects on every aspect of my life led me to an exploration of the creative process. As the palette of my creativity widened, I understood, at a visceral level, that creativity is not limited to the arts. Rather, creativity is a path from which the journey of life is explored and its fullness embraced.
This is the wellspring of Creative Soul Works. Here we explore the facets of creativity that awaken us to the deeper truth of who we are. Explored from this perspective, creativity is synonymous with life itself and a powerful source for personal spiritual growth and healing.
I have been guiding people on the creative journey for thirty years through private coaching on the phone and in person, workshops, and my ten day retreats for women held in the US and Europe. My own spiritual journey includes extensive work in personal transformation. I have worked with spiritual and shamanic mentors and healers in the US, England and Peru. I have seven works of fiction published as well as a book on writing and creativity, and many articles on the creative process.
In addition, I am the Creativity Guide at SelfGrowth.com,and a Wisdom Teacher leading the group, Women, Creativity and the Journey of Soul at Soulfulliving.com.
Are you ready to let go of old ways of being that no longer serve you? Are you ready to bloom from within ? I offer several different private coaching programs .
Explore all my offerings at http://www.creativesoulworks.com/sg.htm
About Emily, Her Work as a Writing Coach and The Fiction Writer's Journey
My work as a writing coach is based on my two pronged method of teaching writing that demystifies the writing process. I teach you all the techniques necessary for writing fiction: short stories, memoir and the novel, while, at the same time, support you in unleashing your creative passion.
Creative passion is the magic ingredient and cannot be taught. You are born with it. For most of us, however, that deep passion which leads us to our true voice has been buried by life experiences. Reclaiming your creative passion is the most powerful part of the work you and I can do together. For once you have claimed it fully, technique become easy. The writing flows. The characters reveal themselves. The story takes shape.
Explore The Fiction Writer's Journey
. Information on my coaching as well as many articles and exercises, books, audios, ebooks, gifts and more!
The blog of Creative Soul Work is: The Divine Imagination .
The blog of The Fiction Writer’s Journey is Fiction Writing: The Passionate Journey.
I hold teleseminars and teleworkshops on writing and creativity as well writing workshops in northern Westchester County, NY.
Please contact me at emily@emilyhanlon.com or call me at 914 962 4432 if you are interested in joining a workshop in Northern Westchester, NY or one that meets through a conference call.
I lead an annual residential Writing Workshop: Journey Into the Imagination , in Litchfield Ct the first weekend in May. This popular weekend fills up quickly.
There's no inner landscape in the invisible world of our souls and hearts but is full of the most melodious and nourishing and wild freedom. And everyone should go there, to the wild place, where there are no cages, where there are no tight rooms without windows and without doors, everyone should go to the free clearance places in their own hearts. ~ John O'Donohue
“Creativity is a river. It flows through you always.~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes
Help us to be the always-hopeful gardeners of the spirit who know that without darkness nothing comes to birth, as without light nothing flowers. ~May Sarton
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."~Albert Einstein
After exploring my websites, if you are interested in exploring working with me either as a creativity coach or a writing coach, please call me at 914 962 4432.
My websites are Creative Soul Works and The Fiction Writer’s Journey
I hold weekly writing workshops in Northern Westchester County, NY and also as teleseminars.
My next residential writing workshop: Journey Into the Imagination, is April 30-May 2. 2010 at Wisdom House in Litchfield, Ct.
My next retreat, Women, Creativity and the Journey of the Soul , is in Bar Harbor, Maine, October 9-16.
I also hold teleseminars on creativity as a spiritual journey and have several series on the Divine Feminine.
Please join my two mailing lists to be updates on new workshops, teleseminars and other events.