Carrots are amongst the most popular vegetables to grow in the organic home vegetable garden. Carrots are perhaps so popular because of how easy they are to grow and the versatility they provide in the kitchen. Carrots can be used for Juicing, Boiling, Steaming, In Casseroles, Stews and Soups, ... Views:2354
Saving seeds from the plants we grow is a good way of regrowing your favourite vegetables without the need of continually buying new seed. There are many types of vegetable seeds that can be collected. Plants must be open pollinated and not from a previous Hybrid as there is no guarantee of the ... Views:1966
There are many ways to make compost. Typical green brown composts are made either in a compost bin or a heap on the ground. Compost does not always require the use of a surrounding container. Compost made in a heap is much easier to turn if and when required.
If you have read my articles ... Views:2774
No garden is complete without a Backyard compost heap. It’s a great place to get rid of your old lawn clippings, leaves, shredded branches and cardboard and newspaper. Its always a good idea to work with 2 or 3 separate compost heaps. While one is full and in the process of becoming compost, the ... Views:2498
Commercially made potting mixtures are relatively cheap these days. They contain a unique blend of materials for holding plant roots and carry nutrients the plant needs for growth and sustenance. The downside is they often rely on inorganic materials and synthetic fertilisers.
Home made ... Views:3012
Autism is a neurological condition with several recognised characteristics. The main is Social Anxiety. Without guided support School and social activities can be difficult for those suffering Autism.
Autistic children and adults are also known to have abilities more advanced than ... Views:4830
What is the Endocrine System?
The endocrine system is a collective of glands and the associated hormones they excrete. Hormones regulate several functions within the body including sexual development, development of the foetus in the womb and reproductive function.
The endocrine system also ... Views:2296
Cancer is a serious disease, especially in children. Disease related statistics place childhood cancer as the leading cause of death in children from Birth to 15 years old.
Accidents do cause more deaths than cancer, but cancer is the most common childhood disease resulting in death.
It is ... Views:1720
Toxins Build up in our body on a daily basis. Naturally occurring toxins, free radicals, synthetic chemicals, alcohol, cigarettes, prescription drugs, depleted body secretions and hormones all add up to load our bodies with toxins that can stress not only our internal systems but also our skin, ... Views:1809
There is a lot of Scientific study into the benefits of Organically grown food compared to food grown with conventional farming methods. Some studies indicate Organic is more nutritious while others show conventionally grown produce is. Better for us.
I am going to look at it from a logical ... Views:2080
We probably all know what stress is, and may have suffered some symptoms of it in our lifetime.
Stress is a Medical Problem that can be the cause of many other medical issues we face in our busy lifestyles. Stress can have a negative impact on your heart health and overall cardiovascular ... Views:2242
Peas are a common vegetable grown in many home gardens around the world. Botanically recognised as Pisum sativum. Varieties include “macrocarpon” (Snow peas or Snap peas) and “hortense” (Podded peas) from the family Fabaceae. Peas originated in areas around Turkey and Western Asia.
Peas grow ... Views:1930
Pumpkin is from the plant family Cucurbitaceae of the genus Cucurbita pepo. It is a common genus and species with many cultivars including; Acorn squash, Delicata squash, Gem squash, Heart of gold squash, Pattypan squash, Pumpkin, Zucchini and many others. Some Pumpkins belong to other species’ ... Views:1997
Stone Fruit or a Drupe as they are sometimes referred usually has a single seed in the centre of a fleshy (fruit) outer protective covering. Stone fruit are nutritious and typically rich in Antioxidant vitamins particularly Vitamin C.
The flesh of Stone fruit is designed to protect the seed ... Views:2823
The Watermelon is a hard skinned Berry known as a pepo. Botanically recognised as Citrullus lanatus, it is a member of the Cucurbitaceae family, which also included Pumpkins, Zucchini and Gourds. Though officially a berry, watermelon is rarely recognised as such in the general ... Views:2012
Recognised as a part of the Amaranthaceae family, Silverbeet or, Beta vulgaris cicla, as it is Botanically known, is often incorrectly called spinach. Spinach has a different Genus name of the same family. In many countries Silverbeet is more commonly recognised as Chard.
Silverbeet can be ... Views:2776
String Beans are one of the most nutritious vegetables grown commercially for food. String Beans are high in B Group vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and a rich source of vitamin C.
String beans are also exceptionally high in Amino acids Phenylalanine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine, Methionine, ... Views:2020
The Adzuki bean, Vigna angulari, is an annual grown commercially for domestic consumption. Spelling variations also have the Adzuki bean listed as Azuki and Aduki – I have alternated between the different spellings throughout this article. Beans are high in soluble fibre, which can aid regular ... Views:2694
Alfalfa grass is of the Genus, “Medicago” and the species is “satvia” it is from the Fabacea family of plants. Alfalfa grass can be used as high protein food for humans and livestock. It is recognised in agriculture as Lucerne. It is used as a stock feed and can be bailed for hay and used as ... Views:2590
There are many species of mint belonging to the Genus Mentha of the Lamiaceae family.
All mints have a pleasant aroma, though some may be considered overly pungent. Mint is perennial in habit and is typically cut back hard at the end of its growing season. Mints are known to enjoy wet ... Views:2117
Thyme has been used for centuries by many cultures. The Ancient Egyptians would use Thyme in their embalming rituals, other cultures including Greek and Roman would burn thyme for its aromatic perfume. One of its first recognised uses as flavouring was in cheese.
Thyme is a common herb used ... Views:2096
Rhubarb is botanically recognised as Rheum rhabarbarum and is a member of the Polygonaceae family. The leaves of Rhubarb are toxic but they are also bitter. It is thought that for the amount needed to produce toxic effect one could not handle eating it at that level. Needless to say the leaves ... Views:2139
Olive Oil is obtained from the fruit of Olea europaea of the Oleaceae family. Commonly known as The Olive Tree. One of the healthiest oils available it is perhaps the world’s most popular oil used commonly in cooking. In addition it is also used in Cosmetics and Soaps as well as in ... Views:1979
Bok Choy (pak choi) or Chinese Cabbage as it is commonly known is a member of the Brassicaceae family. Botanically classified as Brassica rapa with sub species “chinensis” or “pekinensis”. The common form grown around the world is “chinensis” which is also commonly referred to as “White cabbage” ... Views:2035
A member of the Lythraceae family and Botanically named Punica granatum, the pomegranate is a deciduous tree growing to around 7 to 8 metres. The pomegranate is a native to areas around Southwest Asia. It has been grown for its fruit for centuries. Today it can be found growing today in many ... Views:1957
The Red Kidney Bean is recognised by its bright red or brown colour. Though they also come in Black and white varieties. They are from the Legume family of plants, Fabaceae. The Botanical name for the red kidney bean is Phaseolus vulgaris, which is also the name for pinto, navy and black beans. ... Views:2251
Red Lentils belong to the plant family Fabaceae. Red lentils are classified as Lens culinaris.
The Lentil is Popular around Europe and a regularly consumed food throughout the Middle East and India. The Red Lentil is often used as a substitute for meat. There are several varieties of ... Views:2283
Burdock is from the Asteraceae family of the Genus Arctium of which there are several species. The most common used is Arctium lappa. The plant grows on a basal stalk with large leaves resembling common dock. Burdock is often treated as a weed when it grows naturally along roadsides where wind ... Views:2347
The Carrot is from the family Apiaceae with the botanical name of Daucus carota. Carrots are a common Root vegetable with a traditional orange colour. Though the orange variety is the typical favourite, there are white, purple and red varieties available. The vegetable of the carrot plant is a ... Views:2030
Not a root vegetable, but grown underground just the same, Garlic is a nutritious vegetable of the Alliaceae family. Botanically recognised as Allium sativum, Garlic is closely related to Shallots, Onions, Leek and Chives.
Garlic has been used for centuries for both Medicinal and edible ... Views:1988
The parsnip is botanically recognised as Pastinaca sativa from the Apiaceae family. Often described as a white carrot. They are native to Europe, Asia and throughout the Mediterranean. They pre-date the potato and were often used in a fashion similar to potatoes today.
Parsnips are thought to ... Views:2455
The Potato is from the Solanaceae family. It is botanically recognised as Solanum tuberosum. The Potato is closely related to Tomatoes, Nicotinia and Deadly Nightshade. The Potato has several varieties and is recognised as the fourth largest crop in the world.
Potatoes have along history ... Views:2180
The Radish is a quick growing vegetable cultivated in many areas around the world. From the Brassicaceae family, which includes the Cabbage, Brussels sprouts, Broccoli and Cauliflower, the Radish is botanically recognised as Raphanus sativus.
There are several varieties of radishes grown for ... Views:2551
The humble cucumber if from the family Cucurbitaceae and is botanically recognised as Cucumis sativus. The cucumber is a popular plant used extensively as a fresh food as well as pickles.
Cucumbers are a vine that can be grown along the ground or trained along a trellis or other structure ... Views:2613
The Lychee, a native of China, grows best in tropical and subtropical regions and can be found growing in many parts of the world these days. It is Botanically recognised as Litchi chinensis from the Sapindaceae plant family.
The lychee tree can grow as tall as 20 Metres but more typically ... Views:2398
Historically Chickpeas have been used almost since recorded time began. They have recorded uses of Chickpeas in Italy and Greece since the Bronze Age. Chickpeas are believed to be one of, if not the oldest cultivated vegetables. There is evidence to suggest Chickpeas were used as far back as ... Views:2527
When we think of coconut we probably first think of the desiccated coconut we use in cooking or coconut oil, which is often used in Sunscreen lotions or tanning oils. The humble little coconut actually has a very versatile list uses which help give it its popularity.
The coconut is ... Views:2091
Lettuce is botanically recognised as Lactuca satvia from the family Asteraceae. It is perhaps, the world’s most popular green leaf salad vegetable. The milky solution that oozes from the crispy base end of lettuce was the rise of both the botanical (Latin) name for lettuce as well as the common ... Views:1937
Rocket is a popular salad green from the Brassicaceae family. Botanically recognised as Eruca satvia it is native to areas around the Mediterranean through Portugal, Lebanon and Turkey. It is an annual, which can grow to a metre in height but is usually harvested when less than 20cm.
Every ... Views:3757
Linseed (or Flax as it is often known) is of the family Linaceae with the Botanical name of Linum usitatissimum. Archaeological digs have discovered flax fibres believed to be from around the year around 34,000BC. Historically Flax was cultivated around Ethiopia and Ancient Egypt.
Flax grows ... Views:1966
Barley grass is botanically recognised as Hordeum vulgare from the plant family Poaceae. As a member of the grain family it is grown extensively as a feed or fodder for livestock. It is also grown for its grain which is used both as a feed or fodder grain and for human consumption. Malted Barley ... Views:2240
Beetroot, also referred to as simply Beet, is a root vegetable with the Latin name of Beta vulgaris. It is from the plant family Chenopodiaceae. A common vegetable in salads, the root of the Beetroot is deep red to purple in colour and is extremely high in many nutrients, minerals and ... Views:2255
A Berry similar in size and colour of the Blueberry, the acai berry contains a large single seed in the middle of a fleshy pulp. Acai Berry is a Native to the Amazon Rainforest.
A member of the Arecaceae family, the Acai Berry is Botanically recognised as Euterpe oleracea. The berry is born ... Views:1996
Blueberries are known botanically as Vaccinium of which there are several species. Blueberries belong to the Ericaceae family. The Cranberry and Bilberry are also from the Vaccinium Genus. The blueberry is a Perennial with dark blue berries.
Blueberries are Native to North America and ... Views:1820
The Bell Pepper is from the plant family Solanaceae of the Genus ‘Capsicum’; it is a cultivar of the species ‘annuum’. Bell Peppers are a native of Mexico and closely related to the tomato. It is recognised as a vegetable but is officially a berry fruit.
The common name of “Pepper” is ... Views:2966
The Kiwi Fruit or Chinese Gooseberry is botanically recognised as Actinidia deliciosa of the Family Actinidiaceae. Despite its commonly recognised name (Kiwi Fruit) it is a Native of China. There are many hybrids of the Kiwi Fruit all bred for their own individual characteristics.
The fruit ... Views:2392
The Mulberry is from the Plant family Moraceae. It is botanically recognised, as Morus of which there are many species (sp.). It is thought to be up to 20 species of Mulberry. They are generally a sub-tropical tree grown commonly around Asia, Africa, America and Europe. The largest clusters ... Views:2367
Strawberries are amongst the most popular fruits in the world. They have been eaten for centuries and have been known for their health benefits.
Strawberries are very nutritious containing many valuable nutrients. They are a rich source of Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Strawberries are high in ... Views:1943
The tomato is recognised, as a vegetable though should be correctly termed a berry fruit in true botanical classification. A member of the Solanaceae family and botanically named Solanum lycopersicum (syn. Lycopersicon esculentum) the tomato is closely related to Potatoes, Deadly nightshade and ... Views:1879
Oryza sativa of the Poaceae family, is the Botanical name for what could be considered the most commonly consumed grains in the world. It is included in the diets in many Countries and of many cultures around the world. It is especially popular in South East Asia where it is consumed on an ... Views:1863