String Beans are one of the most nutritious vegetables grown commercially for food. String Beans are high in B Group vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and a rich source of vitamin C.
String beans are also exceptionally high in Amino acids Phenylalanine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Valine, Methionine, Cystine, Tryptophan and Histidine.
String Beans are also high in Alpha-Carotene and Lutein, Coumestrol, Calcium, Vanadium, Copper, Phosphorus, Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium, Iron, Folic Acid, Lignin and Zinc.
String beans originated in regions of India, China and South America . String Beans were considered a treat left only for noblemen of the French and English hierarchy. Beans are naturally high in fibre, are fat free and nutritious making them an ideal food for people looking to maintain or loose excess weight.
String Beans are of the Genus ‘Phaseolus’ are from the Fabaceae (Legume) plant family . String Beans are the most common of the Green beans, which includes Butter beans (a yellow variety), snap beans, runner beans and French beans. It is recorded that the name ‘Bean’ was originally given to the Broad Bean and later introduced to all of the common beans of the Phaseolus genus.
In the Home garden, String beans are planted in rows about 2 inches (50mm) deep and a similar distance apart. The soil should be well draining and rich in organic matter. Beans will tolerate most conditions during spring and summer but dislikes frost and snow.
String beans can be purchased fresh, tinned or frozen. The tinned variety are ideal tossed through summer salads, frozen are ideal in soups and stews and fresh can be eaten in any number of ways.
Beans have a lot of uses in the kitchen.
In salads, beans can be cooked and plunged in ice water to stop the cooking process and used in salads. Add a splash of vinegar or a French or Greek salad dressing and toss through with a teaspoon of freshly crushed or bottled garlic. Makes an excellent side dish or main meal
Sliced or diced, cooked and used as a green side vegetable. String Beans are filling and high in nutrients. String Beans are considered a Super food and are very economical.
Used in soups or stews, Green beans make an excellent filler and nutrient source. Eating in soups or stews prevents nutrient loss when cooked traditionally in water when it is drained away.
String beans cut about 50mm (2 inches) long and boiled firm make an ideal replacement for pasta such as penne or spirals and topped with a traditional bolognaise sauce. We introduced beans to our sons diet this way. He would call it Green pasta and it soon became one of his favourite dishes.
Eric J. Smith is an Experienced Horticulturalist with a keen interest in Organic Gardening. Eric's interest in Organics also shows in his interest in Organic Nutrition and Organic Skincare. More information can be found on these by visiting his websites... for Organic Health related products and information on living an Organic Lifestyle . for general health information and articles on living a Healthy Lifestyle .
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