What do Mother’s Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and The National Football League (NFL) have in Common?
They are Partners.
The NFL partnered with MADD in 2010 and endorsed their “Campaign to Eliminate Drunk Driving”.
“MADD and the National Football League joined forces in 2010 to ... Views:1740
Is Laughter Really Good Medicine?
I’m a physician. Actually a doctor by day and a comedienne by night. Therefore, I actually believe that “Laughter is the Best Medicine“, for the right situation. In the past two days, I have seen death of a friend, new life “a baby girl and niece”, and now ... Views:1476
As a physician who practices anti-aging and functional medicine, I have devoted my career to helping people live longer and create healthier lives. I have a passion for healthy living, so wellness and staying young has been my mantra.
But, in January of 2011, I experienced the sudden loss ... Views:1939
What the Heck is Earthing?
As a doctor, I rarely go Earthing. Or fishing or running. I just don’t get out often enough to have that kind of fun. I do get close to meditating, especially after a rough day in the hood. And, I’m usually dancing between patients in one practice, or laughing ... Views:1538
Are Your Major Hormones in Balance? Insulin and Cortisol Balance
Many people do not realize the basic connection between hormones, and the connection between hormones and diet. There are definite links between having balanced hormones and your diet. One of the key links is the connection ... Views:2385
The Family Love Letter™. The Gift of Your Life
As an anti-aging physician, I have devoted my career to helping people live long and healthy lives. I have a passion for healthy living; wellness and staying young has been my motto. As a result, I created a teleseminar series called ... Views:1387
Weight Loss, HCG and Metabolic Syndrome
We know that today’s diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors are considered to be the most important underlying causes of the chronic disease epidemic, which accounts for roughly 75 percent of our rising $2.5 trillion in annual health care costs ... Views:2886
Approximately 4% of the people in the United States are suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome. Although it can happen to anyone at any age, most of these patients are women in their late thirties or early forties. Fibromyalgia is considered a syndrome because it has several symptoms in addition ... Views:1389
The awesome foursome is not a group of ninja turtles who save the day. They are four nutritional supplements that are essential to increasing the survival rate of heart patients. These are magnesium, coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), L-carnitine, and D-ribose.
If you ever heard Dr. Stephen Sinatra ... Views:2585
Cholesterol is a waxy substance found among fats in the body. Despite bad publicity, cholesterol is necessary. It's part of every cellular membrane in the body; we have over 100 trillion cells, and cholesterol is an integral part of that. It's a large percentage of our brain tissue.
I had a ... Views:1738
Stem cell research is a controversial issue. The biggest controversy isn't over the use of adult or umbilical cord cells, which the Western world mostly accepts. The issue is with using fetal stem cells.
Embryonic stem cells are another matter. They have been heavily publicized, but most ... Views:1310