Weight Loss , HCG and Metabolic Syndrome
We know that today’s diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors are considered to be the most important underlying causes of the chronic disease epidemic, which accounts for roughly 75 percent of our rising $2.5 trillion in annual health care costs (2009) and is the leading cause of death and disability in the U.S. So, attacking weight loss is a big concern.
Weight loss, with the use of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is a very hot and controversial topic, to say the least. Oh yes, controversial. It was something I had to research and explore, since my patients were asking for it, and I had really turned away from this approach. Although a healthy diet, good nutrition and exercise are the mainstays of any weight loss & fitness program, HCG is an important new conversation and topic for the issue of weight loss .
Why? Because metabolic syndrome is the most serious health problem in the United States, causing increasing morbidity and mortality. Metabolic syndrome is a combination of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a problem with sugar metabolism and obesity .
I had a great conversation with Dr. Mayer Eisenstein, MD, JD, and an expert on the topic. Not only is he using sublingual HCG in his practice, but he has had great success on a personal level, losing more than 100 pounds in a year’s time. This is what I learned when I spoke with Dr. Eisenstein on Conversations with Dr. Shelby-Lane.
Being overweight is a key factor in developing metabolic syndrome and the U.S. is the most overweight country in the world. This isn't improving; it's only getting much worse. The projection is that by 2020, one out of every three people in the U.S. will have type 2 diabetes, also known as adult-onset diabetes. This is a major problem since diabetes is the number-one cause of increased risk for heart attack and stroke.
Health professionals have tried meticulously to do something about metabolic syndrome, including using everything from A to Z, including drugs to lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Unfortunately, they have only been able to treat two-thirds of the syndrome. No one has found anything that really works for weight loss.
When people are trying to lose weight, it's common for them to succeed at first, but then regain the weight in a very short time. This problem, known as the yo-yo effect, is discouraging. Exercise and good nutrition are important in achieving and maintaining weight loss, but now there's another product that can assist with this process: HCG.
HCG is popular because of its success rate, especially when compared to multiple other weight loss programs, where patients admit they have failed, and that includes surgery and drugs. While using HCG, patients consume a very low calorie diet (500 calories a day) for 30 days. The next 30 days are considered a maintenance period in which they have to maintain the weight loss achieved during the previous 30 days. After this, they go back on HCG for 30 more days. The maintenance period lengthens as they get closer to their ideal weight.
There's no exercise during the 30 days of HCG. The desired amount of weight loss or the ideal weight will determine the number of rounds of HCG. Typically, those who follow the program achieve close to their ideal weight, based upon the info from multiple practitioners currently using this product. This is the opposite of other programs, in which ads must specify "results not typical."
The HCG program is not intended to be permanent, although the weight loss is intended to be permanent. But the major goal is to teach a new way of eating, which is simply eating the proper foods and less, which is all part of the program. Good supervision and documentation is needed. A trained specialist can explain how & why the program works.
HCG isn't the answer to for everybody. Potential side effects must be discussed before starting the program. There are no perfect programs. This program should be done under a doctor's supervision with an explanation of the potential side effects and close monitoring of labs. The treatment methods include injections and the sublingual route for the best results. Many overweight people have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, or a vitamin D deficiency, and they don’t even know it. It's important to diagnose these conditions as well as monitor them with blood tests while on the program. Weight loss, beginning with, and using the good principles that I currently suggest, going from A to HCG (if needed), is a reasonable program that can be very successful.
Consultation with your doctor is needed before beginning any weight reduction program.
Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane, MD is a board certified, anti-aging and functional medicine specialist, emergency physician, comedienne and talk show host who believes “laughter is good medicine”. Dr. Shelby-Lane has been seen and heard on local, state and national television and radio talk shows, educating Americans on a variety of medical issues.
ShelbyLaneMD is also the chief medical Officer for MVP Solutions, a network of healthcare professionals helping to change the health care delivery system and build health care centers worldwide. She is also the producer and host of a health teleseries called Conversations with Dr. Shelby-Lane, interviewing the best health experts on the planet.
To receive the special report "7 Anti-Aging secrets for Staying Young & Living Longer" provided by Dr. Cynthia Shelby-Lane go to http://stayyoungandlivelonger.com .