If you want to make money with social media, it takes more than a series of hype-heavy posts on Twitter
and Facebook to drive clients your way. Most entrepreneurs fail by jumping too quickly to selling and
ignoring the most important aspect of this type of marketing.
When you go straight ... Views:1263
Twitter is a great tool to build buzz around your business, brand, or expertise. When you demonstrate that you know how to use the site wisely, you gain “Tweet Cred”, showing a great reputation as a savvy Web 2.0 user. Ignore the general nature of the Twitterverse and you’ll ... Views:1622
If you're a professional using social networking as an online marketing tool, chances are your followers are putting your name in search engines to learn more about you and whether you're all your profile says you are. They're looking for credibility from a variety of sources. If your name pops ... Views:2742
When you use social networking to market your business, it’s extremely important to keep the focus on relationship building first. People ask how to do this, and the standard advice is to go out and “break the ice” and initiate a conversation.
The problem I’m seeing pop up is that many people ... Views:2288
Remember when you were young and hip and had favorite places to hang out?
Then one day a bunch of strangers joined in and you didn’t take much notice of them. Next, they began inviting their friends and before you knew it, your cool hangout was filled to the brim with a bunch of obnoxious ... Views:1304
As internet marketers transition to the fast changing world of social marketing, entrepreneurs are learning that hard-sell and relentless pressure aren’t welcome. The generation gap becomes a profit-crushing divide as “old-school” methods fail to fit in the sleek world of sites like Facebook, ... Views:1423
When you use social networking to market your business, you’ll increase your love for the medium (and profitable results) when you make sure you’re coming across as approachable. Whether you’re outgoing or shy, your approachability quotient will make the difference in your successful connections ... Views:1561
Outsourcing is all the buzz in business circles as entrepreneurs look to maximize both productivity and time away from work. But does outsourcing work for or against entrepreneurs in the high touch world of social networking?
Because of the intense overwhelm in entrepreneurs lives, we’re all ... Views:1332
When it comes to marketing your business, nothing is sweeter than free publicity. Whether it’s getting invited to comment in a magazine, participate in an event, or being bragged about by others, free publicity generates more business for you and increases your visibility.
Once you start ... Views:1321
Facebook gives entrepreneurs the chance to make profitable connections and boost business by becoming highly visible. One great online visibility strategy is to frequently upload new photos to Facebook, Twitter, and photo sharing sites like Flickr.
Sharing photos online has many advantages ... Views:1237
Twitter can be both an amazing marketing tool and an exhausting pursuit of keeping up with the constant stream of new “Tweets”. Not everyone has the ability nor the desire to stay plugged in 24-7. If that sounds like you, then you’ll love this great tool that allows you to maintain online ... Views:1249
Your social networking profile will prove an old adage: first impressions are lasting impressions.
Your profile page is often the first big impression you make on your contacts and will give them an overview of whether you’re worth the effort to befriend. Of course you have other opportunities ... Views:1356
Using social networking to market your business isn’t too different than marketing your business in person. Think about a time when you walked into a networking mixer full of strangers.
How did you decide who to go up to and who to avoid? A natural inclination is to scan the room, and then go ... Views:1258
Entrepreneurs involved in social networking are already feeling the time crunch when it comes to adding this effective marketing tool to the mix. Smart entrepreneurs utilize other people’s talents and energies in their businesses by outsourcing administrative tasks, so it begs the question: can ... Views:1462
As internet marketers transition to the fast changing world of social marketing, people are learning that hard-sell and relentless pressure aren’t welcome. The generation gap becomes a profit-crushing divide as “old-school” methods fail to fit in the sleek world of sites like ... Views:1104
With the immense popularity of Facebook, it was inevitable that the party crashers would arrive in full force. This social networking site, now popular with internet marketers, has become a mecca for sales hype and hard selling approaches.
That philosophy flies in the face of everything social ... Views:1172
In the game of staying visible in business, the pressure to produce new content seems to never let up. There is a way you can stay visible, share valuable content with your followers, and score mega-Brownie points in the process. How? By using OPC, aka, Other People’s Content.
This is not the ... Views:1197
I knew I was in trouble when I had my first social networking stress nightmare. In this dream, I was surrounded by computer screens of various sites- YouTube, Facebook, Twitter plus a host of utility and tool sites- each vying for my attention.
The inboxes of each one were filled with hundreds ... Views:1156
When it comes to social marketing, the gurus to follow are not the “usual suspects” of internet marketing. Internet marketing, generally dominated by men, uses a very different approach than social marketing. The hard sell, always-be-closing approach falls flat in the Web 2.0 world ... Views:1149
Robert Downey Jr. is this year’s comeback kid with a starring role in Iron Man. For the last 15 years or so, the only time you’d hear his name was in relation to a drug bust or yet another failed stint at rehab. Bloggers joked that the only costume you’d expect Downey Jr. to ... Views:1598
As public relations strategies evolve, it’s important to look at social networking sites as jumping off points for media contact. Sites such as Twitter and Facebook, by their very nature, teach key media training skills such as being concise, succinct, and specific.
The media is looking ... Views:1212
If you’re into social networking, you may have noticed that Facebook has become as crowded as Cancun on Spring Break. Many social networking fans are migrating to Twitter, that bizarre little microblog which gives you 140 characters to make a statement. It’s odd, it’s strange, it defies common ... Views:1280
With the world moving at such a rapid pace, and technology becoming obsolete in a matter of weeks, now more than ever is the time for us to stretch our creative skills and mindset.
A creative mindset is not the same as an artistic skill; creativity is the mental phenomenon of getting ideas and ... Views:4428
Social networking has hit the mainstream with a wallop, and if you’re not up to speed on how to interact in this medium, you may end up making some glaring mistakes. If you’ve been trained in traditional sales approaches, you’re in for a paradigm shift that may rock your ... Views:1061
If you think MySpace is just for kids, then think again. Authors, entrepreneurs, entertainers, non-profits, and businesses are using MySpace as a place to promote who they are and what they do. Having a professional MySpace presence can build platform, sell your books, attract attention, and ... Views:1196
It’s said that an aircraft uses the majority of its fuel upon takeoff. The business of getting known is no different. The attention you invest in your public relations strategies will set the course for increased business and free publicity down the road. Without a clear understanding of ... Views:1432
Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase “the riches are in the niches” when it comes to marketing your business. The strategy is to find a select target market and be their everything. According to conventional visibility techniques, this is a winning strategy. But it can only take you ... Views:1123
Boring is out.
Quirky is in.
People don’t go into business for themselves because they want to be confined and constrained. They go into business because they are fueled by passion and the urge to freely follow that passion. In fact, a 2007 study by American Express listed “passion” as the ... Views:982
How to Suit Up and Show Up for Success
The first time I was called to go on a big Los Angeles TV station, I danced around my office in excitement, amazed that my efforts were being noticed by the outside world. My whoppin’ 3 minute segment would be broadcast live at the wee hour of 5:15 am ... Views:3079
With the phenomenal rise of media outlets such as cable TV, online networks, blogs, podcasts, and more, never before has the demand for quality information been higher. From magazine publishers to bloggers, expert opinion is needed to provide valuable content for listeners, readers, and web ... Views:971
When you think of being more creative, what comes to mind? Most people think in terms of artistic skills, but creativity manifests itself in a number of ways beyond the obvious. Picture creativity like a jet stream that flows all around us: when we step up to the flow and dip our hands in, we ... Views:1458
Creativity is a mysterious force that visits us with great ideas, new ways of seeing the world and the courage to do things differently. Revitalizing your creative talents will help you in the most unexpectedly wonderful ways: a new business idea, a renewed commitment to self-care, an ... Views:1277
Creativity and innovation begin with the spark of an idea. But for so many, the process ends there with no plan to manifest. Understanding simple ways to turn your ideas into action will give you the edge to turn that spark to a flame and rise as a leader in innovation and creativity.
These ... Views:1661