In the game of staying visible in business, the pressure to produce new content seems to never let up. There is a way you can stay visible, share valuable content with your followers, and score mega-Brownie points in the process. How? By using OPC, aka, Other People’s Content.

This is not the same as randomly picking up an article from an online directory. What you want to do is strategically select a person whose work you want to highlight as part of your relationship building plan and visibility strategy. You’re not just running an article that someone else has written, you’re using the exchange as a way to deepen a relationship that holds potential for both parties.

Here’s how it works:

1. Identify a person you’d like to connect with or whose audience you’d like to get in front of.

2. Scan that person’s blog or article bank for some really great information in the form of tips or articles.

3. If the information you found is on their blog, then first leave a comment saying how awesome the article is.4. Then you want to write a blog post that references that article and links to it.

5. Start a dialog. Contact the author and ask permission to reprint their article in your ezine or run the entire article on your blog. Let them know who you are and how much you value their information. Be sincere and lay-off the urge to self promote too much.

6. Follow up by being a continuous “fan” of this person’s work. Be a regular commenter on their blog (subscribe to the RSS feed to make following them easier).

7. Repeat as needed with this person and others who fit the criteria.

As in all relationship building, this process doesn’t create instant best friends overnight. However, it does put you on the radar screen and gets your name out there. Name recognition works in politics and it works in marketing your business. Using Other People’s Content not only gives you great information to share with your readers, but facilitates valuable relationship building that can take your visibility to new heights.

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Nancy Marmolejo is a PR, media, and social networking strategist who teaches women entrepreneurs how to generate more money and attention by positioning themselves in the spotlight. An award winning business owner, Nancy is frequently quoted in the areas of business, creativity, and social networking . Get started on your path to fame by getting Nancy’s 7 part free audio course at

Author's Bio: 

Nancy Marmolejo is a PR, media, and social networking strategist who teaches women entrepreneurs how to generate more money and attention by positioning themselves in the spotlight. An award winning business owner, Nancy is frequently quoted in the areas of business, creativity, and social networking. Get Nancy's 7 part free audio course by visiting

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