All around, people are broadening their knowledge, acquiring skills to meet the demands of modern day society and developing a better understanding of the world and themselves.Managing your learning is not that different from managing anything else. It requires good planning, use of effective ... Views:1915
Ask the critical question and learn
Good old Internet is here to cater to virtually any need and to offer countless possibilities for the user. Learning has been among the many processes that the global system of networks has facilitated due to the availability of resources, online courses, ... Views:1809
It’s time you took learning into your own hands.
Learn something new-like a new language- or go back and learn it better this time. Teach yourself how to make anything, from crafts to cars. Watch the experts and learn their ways. Listen to a story of success and take a lesson.
You teach ... Views:1710
Incredible strengths
There is incredible talent in every one of us. You have an artistic streak in you or your manner in dealing with people is extraordinary. You may stand out for your culinary skills or for your green thumb. You are remarkably good at taking care of things or just simply ... Views:3909
Have you ever thought of taking up learning as a hobby?
Living and learning
Learning is just as fun and as fulfilling as any other spare-time activity. Fortunately, it doesn’t require much more than your inquisitive nature and a desire to develop as a person. What’s more, learning need ... Views:7221
Have you ever thought of taking up learning as a hobby?
Learning is just as fun and as fulfilling as any other spare-time activity. Fortunately, it doesn’t require much more than your inquisitive nature and a desire to develop as a person. What’s more, learning need not be in a formal ... Views:1521
The flip side of life
You can see what is on the horizon but you can never tell what’s behind it.
Have you ever wondered what’s on the flip side of a seemingly negative situation?
Look again! You may be standing on the corner of turning point and where it’s at and not know it. What ... Views:1025
The flip side of life
You can see what is on the horizon but you can never tell what’s behind it.
Have you ever wondered what’s on the flip side of a seemingly negative situation?
Look again! You may be standing on the corner of turning point and where it’s at and not know it. What ... Views:1089