The flip side of life
You can see what is on the horizon but you can never tell what’s behind it.
Have you ever wondered what’s on the flip side of a seemingly negative situation?
Look again! You may be standing on the corner of turning point and where it’s at and not know it. What seems like a plan gone awry may actually be the big break you have been waiting for. With every disappointment, every failure, every setback, all sorts of scenarios come into play. A reversal of fortune creates a stage for you to act upon.
You have dreams
, you make arrangements, you invest your time and effort into a surefire plan but for whatever reason, none of them come to fruition. You may feel devastated as all you see is the ruins of a long awaited reward. It’s easy to lose heart, and thinking this is the end, you give up on life- long desires forever.
You on center stage
On the other hand, considering the flip side allows you to see the creation of a great new beginning, a time when you need to take the downside of the situation and turn it around. This outlook on life puts you in charge. An opening, the circumstances for a different scenario to be played out have now been created.
Learning to look beyond the problem or the calamity and into ways we can benefit from them is a skill you can learn and one which you have to keep honing. Our everyday life is riddled with instances which call for quick action and the best possible reaction to problems. You can’t let negativity have the best of you and that’s reason enough to seek out forward thinking and make the best of any situation we come across.
No time to waste
In most cases, it doesn’t take much more than this. Waste no time on the whys and wherefores that brought on the undesired results. Take a good look at the misfortune. Take what you can salvage and build on that. At times you won’t have to do much because the fruits of your labor will still be there and all you have to do is find another person or cause worth your while.
Still, there will be times when you will need to take some time and reassess the situation, your role, your strengths and weaknesses. You may discover that a failure was due to inadequate preparation, a long held misconception, trust in the wrong person or the need to improve your skills before you have a go at something again. With stronger foundations and renewed confidence you can work towards making the dream become reality.
Turn the tables
Your weaknesses can become your strengths. Take a failure and make it a success, take a negative comment and see what you can do to improve yourself, take something no one else wants and turn it into something of use to you, take a delay and use it to perfect an idea, take a rejection from one and prepare yourself to go to another, take a refusal and make a different offer.
All of this requires that you adopt a different mindset. Ask yourself, “Now, what have I learned from all this?” .You need to be honest with yourself and admit your own faults. Work harder and change ways if you must, take serious note of the feedback you are getting. Most importantly, you have to summon all your creativity and resourcefulness so as to make the transition happen.
Learning to look at things from another perspective can provide us with the insight and the means to overcome adversity and to pursue goals with renewed enthusiasm.
A life-long learner and teacher of foreign languages. I conduct creative language teaching workshops, travel for inspiration and write e-books and school plays. I blog about self- learning and the benefits of joint activities.