Yes it's about quality not quantity. You can spend every waking hour with your partner and have a terrible relationship. And if that's the case then who the heck would want to spend all day with them anyway?
Right? So it's definitely quality over quantity. And it doesn't matter if you've ... Views:1481
Relationships are hard. They can go from good to bad to nonexistent in a matter of a few moments. So add kids to that mix and you have a whole heap of trouble to work out in any relationships.
But we all can't get divorced over every little quarrel so we have to figure out a way that works ... Views:1139
All of us feel sorry for ourselves from time to time but to stay in a state of self-pity is not healthy. It's not healthy for you, your family, your friends, or anyone else you associate with.
I'm not saying that I don't want you to feel your feelings. But I don't want you to stay so low in ... Views:1321
Are you highly sensitive? And I don't mean when you actually get hurt or when something traumatic happens to you.
I'm talking about being highly sensitive when it's not really necessary. Like when someone says something mean or rude to you. Do you get all emotional and break down right on ... Views:1670
Yes YOUR creative genius. I can almost bet that you're more creative then you give yourself credit for. You have genius within you, you're just not tapping into it.
So I'm going to help you discover, develop and maintain your creative genius. Let's get started.
First of all, you have to ... Views:1184
Really! You don't have to have a bad day unless you choose to have a bad day. Every single day is a new beginning. A new day to live anyway you choose.
So you can choose to be happy or not. Yes, there's lots of things that can happen on a daily basis that could rob you of your joy but it ... Views:1306
Are you wanting to make change in your life but for some reason you just can't seem to make change stick?
Well you're not alone. I get a lot emails from women all the time who ask me the same question about change.
They all want to know why they can't make a change stick and the reason is ... Views:1320
7 human emotions that will cause you to love yourself more deeply
and completely which will result in a better quality of life
Listen to me, learning to love yourself more will have an enormously positive effect on all areas of your life.
When you love yourself, you'll be less tempted ... Views:1306
I've had some pretty bad habits in my day. But thank the good Lord I was able to overcome then. I was able to change every single one of them.
Which made me a more disciplined and self-controlled person. I never knew it at the time but I used pretty much the same 3 steps to change every bad ... Views:1326
Stop blaming others and you will become the most powerful person in your life. Playing the blame game is not going to do anything for you or the person your blaming. Let me explain.
Your life is not going quite as great as you had hoped for and you are not really sure why. So you begin to ... Views:1898
Overcoming shyness will change your life. It did for me and it has for lots of other people too. So you might as well be the next person to shed this issue and get on living a life that pleases you.
Overcoming shyness really will help you see life from a new perspective. Almost as good as ... Views:1936
Improving self-esteem is a task that needs to be addressed because self-esteem is at the core of everything else in your life.
It will determine the level at which you live. If you suffer from low self-esteem right now, then I don't have to tell you how miserable it is.
I know because I ... Views:1252
Let's talk about low self-esteem because having low self-esteem can be totally life consuming for the person suffering.
Although, you may not even know your true level is until something happens to you and you're forced to deal with it by yourself.
Here's an example, let's say you're ... Views:1144
Learning how to love yourself will be one of the best more exhilarating things you could ever do for yourself and your loved ones. But before you focus on your loved one, which is what most women do first, I want you to focus on yourself first.
And it's never too late to start. Never!
I ... Views:1611
Low self esteem sometimes has an awkward way of showing itself in your life. Some things that seem so unrelated to how you see yourself is actually the exact result of it.
How you see yourself has more of an effort on your overall life than any other factor. Because if you see yourself as ... Views:1175
Self esteem and relationships
Trying to build an intimate relationship with someone else when you're struggling with low self esteem can be a very daunting task. It can seem very innocent and ecstatic at first but when the newness wears off and you're left with a relationship built on a ... Views:1515
Being aware of what's happening around you is good practice if you want to bring about big changes in your life. Not only do you get the experience but you also get to keep the memory.
November 11, 2011 was a great day to be aware of what was going on around you. It's was a day that will be ... Views:1285
If you've ever struggled with low self esteem then you know how difficult it is to overcome it by yourself. Sometimes you just need a little help.
Once you begin the process of feeling better about yourself it becomes an ongoing endeavor. You must continually involve yourself in activities ... Views:1397
Going through a divorce can leave you feeling unhappy or disconnected with yourself, even hopeless sometimes.
How to raise self esteem after a divorce may not have even crossed your mind yet.
But the main area of your life that is affected is your self esteem. Because self esteem is ... Views:2069
The people you regularly associate with can and do have a huge impact on your self esteem. Whether you realize it or not.
That’s why you should really limit the amount of time you spend with toxic people. You will do better and go farther if you consistently hang around loving, positive and ... Views:3705
Do you have high or low self esteem?
Answering this question honesty can have a profound impact on your life.
Self esteem is the ability to love yourself completely just the way you are.
No exceptions to this rule.
when you truly love and accept yourself for who you are on the ... Views:1271