- Have you craved to be strong and looked in awe at those who gain the respect of others easily?

- Are you tired of getting ignored when hanging out with other people?

- Are you speechless when someone talks down to you or pushes in the line in front of you?

- If you can relate to these questions, it’s highly likely you desire to develop a strong personality.

Most “strong” people wear a mask

Interestingly, a lot of the people you see thrusting their weight around do so because of the need to appear strong. The truth is they fear others will control, manipulate and disrespect them if they operate as their true selves. So to counter their fears, these inwardly weak individuals self protect themselves by becoming bullies or controlling, manipulative people – all so they can feel powerful.

True strength comes from the inside

The fact is that true strength cannot come from aggressive or pushy actions. It only comes from having a healthy level of self confidence . People who are truly strong are comfortable with who they are.

Becoming strong doesn’t happen overnight – it’s a process. This process deals directly with increasing self esteem and self identity.

Below are some tips on how to have a strong character:

Fear no-one

When you attach yourself to the approval and good opinion of others, fear will overtake you. So don’t attach yourself to what others think of you. The Bible warns us clearly that “The fear of man is a snare.” If people label or criticise you, disregard it simply on the grounds that they are in no position to judge you. They’re not God! Besides, only you know who you truly are.

Use your pain to make you stronger

You may think that coming from a poor background or a life of difficulty makes you weak. The truth is that most self made millionaires came from dirt poor backgrounds. They faced so much financial insecurity and suffering and because of it, that the desire to become rich was born. You too, should use the challenges and dark moments in life to makes you stronger. These periods brought out the strength within you to triumph and overcome. So channel these times correctly to cultivate resilience and a never give up attitude .

Get up when you fall

You can’t win all battles. When you get slapped in the face you may admit defeat, but still press on believing that you’re a true warrior. Don’t recognise defeat as failure – getting attached to winning all the time will get you into trouble. So overcome defeat by getting up again and continuing on with your dreams. Refuse to let small things ruffle your feathers and steal your inner peace .

Refuse self pity

Self pity will only make you feel like a victim in life and will contribute to making you feel helpless and weak. It also makes you feel hopeless and depressed. Know that strong and successful people don’t pity themselves when they make mistakes or fall - they simply get to action again on getting what they want in life.

Author's Bio: 

Teppie and Christina are Personal Development writers, bloggers and online coaches. Teppie and Christina founded www.dreambelieveandmanifest.com - a personal development website full of free resources and products for people seeking to improve their lives and to understand themselves and others better.
