Seven Core Natures
Spirit has defined for me the existence of seven “levels of being”. These were termed as “core natures”. It means that a person is resonating to certain levels of service, whether they actually work in the fields most predominately thought of as being associated with that ... Views:1174
What Spirit Speaks- Part 2
(Continuation from Part 1, found elsewhere on this site.)
8)There are two responses to all situations: that of love and that of fear (and their corresponding attributes). Love is assuredness, comfort, compassion, courage, strength, giving, etc… Fear’s minions ... Views:1204
What Spirit Speaks
In my time in service as a “speaker” for Spirit/God (call it what you will) for 20+ years now I have given thousands of personal sessions and delivered numerous public ... Views:1067
War Guidance
(This is a session I had with Spirit upon the issue of war. The insights given were surprising at first to me but after reflection upon them they were logical in view of the Universal Laws.)
R. I want to talk about the current world situation and the ongoing war. What ... Views:1188
God Versus Satan
God = Love = Expansion = Openness = Growth = Rising up
Satan = Fear = Contraction = Closing = Stagnation = Shutting Down
Heaven = Good = Reward = Bliss = Satisfaction = Fulfillment
Hell = Bad = Punishment = Torture = Conflict = Loss
Connecting to Divinity = God ... Views:1361
In the latter part of 1988 through the year 1990 the entirety of my world burned to ashes. I do not make that statement lightly. However it is only with the goggles of hindsight could I see how that total meltdown freed me so that like a Phoenix I could arise from the ashes I had been buried ... Views:1162
We are welcoming to those who have gathered and we are as always invested with a form of glee to be of service to those who are of service to us. There are many things upon your world which you, as humans, have control over and yet there are many things of which you do not. We would today prefer ... Views:1203
The Power of Me, Myself and I.
We are welcoming to those who are our extensions focused within that which, to them, is in reality. We are, as you have already been given to know, that which is of your greatest essences and we focalize through one who is capable of conceptualizing the energy ... Views:1194
In the latter part of 1988 through the year 1990 the entirety of my world burned to ashes. I do not make that statement lightly. However it is only with the goggles of hindsight could I see how that total meltdown freed me so that like a Phoenix I could arise from the ashes I had been buried ... Views:1372
One limb, two limbs,
Three limbs, four?
How many limbs before
You knock on heaven’s door?
This was the decision we had to make concerning our mother.
Our mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease almost 19 years ago. The last 8 she was pretty much non-communicative and in a ... Views:1256
My entire family has had first hand experience with Alzheimer’s and the effects not only of it upon our mother but the collateral effects as well. My maternal grandfather had it as well so it is a pretty sure bet that it is a genetic link in that family tree branch. I have discovered, while ... Views:1110