War Guidance

(This is a session I had with Spirit upon the issue of war. The insights given were surprising at first to me but after reflection upon them they were logical in view of the Universal Laws.)

R. I want to talk about the current world situation and the ongoing war. What insight do you have for me concerning all of this?

S. It is the gift of many things, but the wrapping is very obscuring. There will be gifts of those who need release to move into the next phase of the growth process, gifts of those who will achieve great levels of growth through having lived through this time, and the unification of many ideologies once the wrappings are removed. We are assured that the physical plane will not be harmed beyond what is given in the minds of men and this is what we wish to share today. If the minds of men are focused on dire calamities, then this is the product of their fears. If the minds of men are set on well being and striving for a better world, then this is the product of their understanding that all is well in the grander Universal scheme of things.

We would advise that the minds of humans be focused on the good and the rightness of the Universe, on the balancing that is inherent in the orderliness of the Universe. Let not the heart be troubled for reports of wars are but the balancing of energies that must come before a greater clearing of old thought patterns may be achieved. If the minds of humans are set to the rightness of the balance, regardless of the outer turmoil, then they will find a faster and more complete clearing of the unwanted energies which have held many in bondage of fear for so long. Let not the heart be troubled for the deaths of those who serve, for they are but released into a newer understanding of Universe. Each who serve and die on the battlefield reincarnate with a clearer understanding of the cost of the effects of warring within human family .

It is well served that a balance of humans must serve such roles so that the progression from a warring race to a race of peaceful beings is met. It is as if the birthing of understanding is coming through the things most feared. It is not ordained but rather chosen by the many in the realm of physical. As each who have died in battle seek the growth afforded them by having served such a role, they are changed in an instant to the ones who value brotherhood and peaceful relations the most in further sojourns upon earth. The grief that is shared by those left also help to temper a realization that warring amongst the human race it too high a price to pay.

When the balance has been struck, and the lessons learned through enough souls, then the reasons for war will not be found upon your world. We are assured that the survival of the human race is chosen. We are assured that the moving to earth peace is waiting in some future moment when the balance has been reached. This current conflict will not be the devastation envisioned by some if the mass choice is otherwise. Focus upon the desired outcome; let not fear and the ramblings of the fearful shake your purpose or your choosing. Choose as you are led to choose, but remember that each grain upon the scale will tip the balance. Seek to add only to the side of the scale that which you desire to have as your share.

Author's Bio: 

Rose Campbell is a clairaudient channel for Spirit. 20+ years experience. Offers spiritual counseling, private sessions and Psychic Powers 101 online classes.
