The Essential oils in Young Living's collection are life-enhancing gifts from the plant kingdom, revered for centuries for their restorative properties to body, mind, and spirit.
Essential Oil Basics
Essential oils are the highly concentrated, volatile, aromatic essences of plants. ... Views:1517
Rheumatoid arthritis is a painful inflammatory condition of the joints’ marked by swelling, thickening, and inflammation of the synovial membrane lining of the joint. (In contract, osteoarthritis is characterized by breakdown of the joint cartilage without any swelling or inflammation.) ... Views:1821
The Raindrop Technique, developed by D. Gary Young, N.D. and a Lakota medicine man almost two decades ago, uses a sequence of nine highly immune enhancing essential oils. They are dropped like rain from a height of about 6 inches onto the spine and then lightly massaged in using various hand to ... Views:1440
Essential oils are some of the most powerful therapeutic agents with an impressive history of healing throughout the ancient world. The religious texts and records show they were used to treat virtually every ailment known to man. During the last century these healing oils have been overlooked ... Views:1410
Like most consumers you probably brush your teeth every day. You also probably use shampoo and conditioner when you shower, and perhaps you frequently apply moisturizing lotion to your face and skin. And it’s likely you use deodorants, cosmetics lotions and other personal care items on a regular ... Views:2771
Everyday more and more people are being diagnosed with chronic health problems. Approximately 68 million people suffer from some form of heart disease, 25 million have diabetes, 1.5 million will die of cancer within the next year, 5-8% of the population suffers from a chronic, debilitating ... Views:1422
Right up into the early 1900's, just about all diseases were infectious in nature, for example; diphtheria, typhoid, smallpox, pneumonia, black plague, tuberculosis, etc. With our progression as a civilization the way our food and farming is processed has changed and new diseases have begun to ... Views:1290
What is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD? ADHD symptoms include the inability to pay attention, concentrate or complete tasks and may include hyperactivity.
It can be difficult to accurately diagnose ADHD. Health professionals should be provided a detailed medical history of ... Views:1229
This week I want to give you some facts and information on a "dangerous substance" that you may be eating or drinking without being aware of the potential damage it is having on your health. This is not a whistle blowing article, these are proven, documented facts and I am empowering you with. ... Views:1765
Today's topic is "Inflammation" in the body!
What causes inflammation and how does it affect us? One of the causes of inflammation in the body is an overgrowth of yeast or "candida". Yeast can wreak havoc on our bodies and manifest in many forms of disease and illness; heart disease, cancer, ... Views:1207
Muscle aches, spasms, fatigue, weakness in the arms and legs, inability to concentrate (brain fog), sleep disturbance and depression. These are some of the common complaints related to Fibromyalgia. This chronic illness which affects approximately four percent of the population and nine times ... Views:1731
Our skin is affected by many factors, the environment, what we put in our bodies, hygiene habits and heredity. Many women make the choice to use products on their skin everyday to enhance or improve their appearance. There are many products on the market which promise more youthful and healthier ... Views:1116
The Western diet has a love affair with "fast food". There are sugar laden breakfast cereals, snack cakes, fruit juices, and soft drinks. Our frozen, "already prepared" dinners and appetizers are high in sodium. Then add into that our "fast food" restaurants with foods high in fat and ... Views:1532