Our skin is affected by many factors, the environment, what we put in our bodies, hygiene habits and heredity. Many women make the choice to use products on their skin everyday to enhance or improve their appearance. There are many products on the market which promise more youthful and healthier skin. They claim their ingredients will improve sun damage and/or reduce fine lines and wrinkles. The majority of consumers think that the ingredient “oil” is good for softening and lubricating the skin. However the ingredient “mineral oil” is far from being beneficial to our skin. Mineral Oil does not absorb into the skin, it actually inhibits our skins ability to breathe and release toxins through our pores. This can cause many ill effects to our health including a build up of bacteria resulting in blemishes. These products can include body washes, lotions, creams and cosmetics to name a few.
All manufactured skin care products contain chemical preservatives. These preservatives are added to ensure the “shelf life” of the product. Some products contain more than others and it is up to the consumer to do the research. These chemicals can be absorbed into our bodies and affect our total health. Some argue that there isn’t enough chemicals used to hurt us but with prolonged use over a period of time, these chemicals can build up and create and imbalance in our bodies.
It is vital to our total health to nourish our skin. As the largest organ of the body, it is a reflection of our inner health and lifestyle. What we put on our bodies is equally important as what we put inside. The aging process is inevitable but it can be done with healthy grace!
Pamela A Heyen is a Holistic Health Practitioner. Her practice, Heyen Wellness Therapies educates clients to their "Whole" health, Mind, Body & Spirit.
You can contact Pamela at www.HeyenWellnessTherapies.com