Rapport building is the key to a successful business

This blog details the art of relationship management, rapport building and empathy in 8 simple steps.

Having worked in a client facing role for over 12 years I have learned a lot about what encourages people to place their trust in you and what keeps them coming back to invest more of their time and money in you (your business). It is your rapport building ability.

As a coach my clients share their most intimate thoughts and feelings with me. This stretches to their personal goals, ambitions and also their most intimate fears. In order for them to share this information with me I need to establish a deep level of trust, I need to build a rapport quickly and effectively.

Now, I don’t know about you, but talking to a stranger about these emotional subjects is not always easy. As humans we can remain guarded and fearful of what other people think of us when we expose how we feel.

My role as a coach is to encourage my clients to reveal their thoughts and feelings in a manner which will enable me to help identify their areas of need. I will then help the client to discover how they can propel themselves forward from their current position to that which is desired.

The art of relationship management through effective rapport building is key here.

The top tips to building an engaging trusting relationship:

1) Show interest. Ask open questions:Asking open questions encourages the client to open up. In any business / client relationship you want to build a two way relationship in which the client feels comfortable in talking to you openly and honestly. "Tell me why you feel that way? Why are you not satisfied with your existing provider?" This is the first building block in successful relationship management. The real key lies in the next few steps.

2) Probe with further open questions:Once the client has opened up ask further questions which challenge the client to provide more detail. What exactly about that situation made you feel that way? What specifically is it about that Company which concerns you? Once the client is freely speaking you must, and this is vital, you must action point 3.

3) Listen to the answers:
Have you ever been asked a question only to be answering to somebody who is reading a text on their phone, or looking out of the window? How does that make you feel? I feel like my opinion is not valued. I also find it annoying and rude. Well your clients will also feel that way if you do not give them your full attention when they are talking to you. Look directly at them, actively listen to what they are saying, take down notes, nod in agreement where appropriate and generally give the impression you are fully engaged in what they are saying. Give them sufficient time to explain exactly how they are feeling. You have taken the time to ask some great open questions, so reap the rewards and listen to what the client is telling you. In the answers lie the key to how you can win their business.
Although this sounds like a simple list of actions, it is extremely effective. If you show your client through your behaviour that you are interested in what they have to say, they will share more with you. Not only this they will remember that you really wanted to hear what they say. Try it; you will be surprised with the results.

4) Use the customers’ own words in your response
If the customer says that the reason they left their existing provider was because the product kept breaking down and the Company did not repair the product in a timely manner, remind them of this in your summary. “So, Mr X you have told me that the reason you left Z Company was because their product kept breaking down and the repair was not dealt with in a timely manner. I can assure you Mr X that with us (Super Company) should our product break down in any way we provide you with a guarantee that it is replaced within 48 hours.
You have identified the client need and addressed it in once swift sentence. Why would they not want to do business with you?

5) Express a deep level of empathy
As human beings we experience emotions on a daily basis, I would even say we experience emotions constantly throughout our day. Ever heard that saying “It’s been an emotional roller-coaster of a day?” Well that is because we experience emotions in response to events that happen in our lives. Our behaviour is driven by our feelings. Therefore when a client expresses anger, sadness, happiness at something, take time to relate to them. To try and understand exactly how they are feeling. The best way to do this is to visually put yourself in their shoes. Imagine you have had exactly the same experience as them. Now, here’s a top tip: you can only truly do this if you have followed steps 1-4 effectively in the above process. No, I am not trying to trick you; I am giving you the key to successful client management. When a client knows that you truly understand what they are going through they are more likely to bring their business to you.

6) Establish trust (do what you say you are going to do)It really is as simple as that. Do what you say you are going to do, when you say you are going to do it. If you cannot keep a date, time etc then communicate this with your client. Likewise if something goes wrong and a mistake is made jeopardising the client / business relationship, be open and honest and explain what has happened.

7) Say sorryAcknowledge when you (the company) have done something wrong and say sorry. It is also vital to ask the client what they require to repair the relationship and deliver this. The relationship is in danger of breaking down if you (or your company) cannot apologise for the wrong doing. If you try to conceal the reality of what actually happened, chances are you will be found out and potentially you will lose that client and their business forever.

8) Ongoing client service
Once the products / services have been sold, take time to engage with your client afterwards if at all possible. If there is an ongoing relationship via account management then this is easy. Remember the key here is to ensure the client knows how valuable their business is to you (the company). If you fail to acknowledge this do you think they will recommend you to their friends / family / work colleagues? I don’t need to answer that.
Exceed their expectations, take care of them post-sale and you will be rewarded in not only repeat business, but referral business too.

So, there you are 8 simple steps to building effective rapport swiftly and with expertise. Good luck with generating business and retaining your delighted clients!

Author's Bio: 

Hi There, My name is Serena Pyke. I am a Life Coach. I see my purpose in life as to help others achieve their full potential in their personal and professional lives through empowerment, reflection and great questions!I spent my career in client facing roles learning how to communicate effectively. Serenapyke.com is my website.