Ayurveda encourages appropriate oiling of the body parts and more so this needs to be practiced on everyday basis. The main reason behind this is that applying and massaging oil onto the body is believed to be a good manner of rendering nourishing and suppleness to both the muscle and the tissues of the body.

Merits of Oiling the body

Some significant benefits that are narrated in the ancient text are

Customary oiling and massage of the body tends to settle down the aggravated Vatta dosha or the air body humor. This helps to balance the humor and shield from a wide variety of ailments.
Also, It has been specified in Ayurveda text that the process of oiling the body is in general health promoting and tends to enhance the vital power of the physical body.
This practice also renders thorough relaxation to the mind and the central nervous system.
When oiling of the body is undertaken habitually, this simple practice lays down the foundation of
a strong immune system.

Comparison Analysis

Oiling of the body has been compared in the ancient text along with rubbing oil onto a piece of leather which in turn makes it firm, flexible and long lasting. Similarly there is the example of pouring oil over the axis of the wheel.

Smearing the head with oil

When you aptly tend to apply oil onto your head (scalp and hair), this helps to stay clear of so many ailments like headaches, hair-fall and untimely graying of the hair, anxiety and insomnia. Ayurveda recommends this habitual oil massage on to the scalp for owning as well as maintaining healthy hair and also imparting natural glow to your face. Not only this, this process of oiling the scalp frequently is believed to be a nourishing endeavor for the bodily senses. All the more, this leaves soothing and calming effect onto the brain.

Oil application on the ears

Other than applying oil onto the scalp, Ayurveda recommends oil application on the ears. For this purpose, oil may be rubbed inside the ear cavity with soft finger strokes as well as oil is massaged into the external ear and its skin circumference. This practice of oiling of the ears is believed to be Vatta or the air humor balancing. Not only this, this simple technique could save you from a number of hearing maladies.

Oil Massage of Soles of the Feet

Regular massage of the soles of the feet is another practice that had been emphasized owing to the virtues it bestows. Not only is this deed highly amicable for the healthy conditions of the feet saving them from cracking, numbness, twitching and stiffness; there are more virtues that Ayurveda acknowledges. It has been believed that this practice of oiling and regular massage of the feet tends to result in a sound and relaxed sleep. This is also greatly favorable for maintaining as well as enhancing the eye vision.

Ayurveda commends oil gargles

Gargles with oil or filling the mouth with oil are some procedures that are highly beneficial for the natural health of the oral cavity. This aids in strengthening the jaws, imparts sweetness to the voice tone as well as has a cleansing effect on the tongue. This process is suggested to be undertaken frequently as this strengthens the teeth and the gums saving from so many dental ailments.

Three Processes of Oiling necessary for the Body

According to Ayurveda therapeutic science, although oil may be applied onto the complete body for the purpose of general massage therapy, there are three particular body parts that need to be oiled every single day. These are the scalp, ears and soles of the feet.

Author's Bio: 

Dr. Sonica krishan is Ayurveda and Natural lifestyle Healer and Consultant based at Chandigarh, India. She has authored natural home cure books ‘Herbal Healers’, ‘Home Remedies’& ‘Healing through Ayurveda’ and is presently writing for national and international publications. She may be contacted at drsonica@herboveda.co.in or visit http://www.herboveda.co.in/