I am Ayurveda and Natural Lifestyle healer and consultant based at India. I have done my BAMS (Bachelors in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery) from Punjab University. Also, I have NDDY (Diploma in Naturopathy, Diploma in Yoga) and ADNY (Advance diploma in Naturopathy and Yoga) from the Punjab University. Other than this, I have taken up second degree Course in Reiki Healing from Reiki Healing Foundation, Delhi.
I have more than fifteen years of clinical experience in treating patients with both acute and chronic ailments strictly using classical Ayurveda formulations and herbal medicine from reputed Ayurveda companies. And am managing HERBOVEDA – Herb and Ayurveda Hub at Chandigarh, India with providing consultancy and treatment mainly using Ayurveda therapy to retain as well as regain health. Also I'm promoting Yoga, Pranayaama and Naturopathy therapies through means of conducting personal and group training classes, workshops and presentations. I am also Authorized Medical Attendant for the Central Government employees at India.
I have authored three books on Ayurveda and herbs. ‘Herbal Healers’ is a book based on daily use herbs and ‘Home Remedies’ deals with Ayurvedic view of one hundred ailments and their easy management by home cures , 'Healing through Ayurveda' is another book authored by me on basic human constitution and natural temperament.
Also I have more than six hundred in-print articles on the subject of health in leading newspapers, health magazines and websites.
I have delivered talks, presentations and lectures relating to gaining natural health by means of using Natural remedies and insight of Ayurveda in today’s times. Also eminently participated in interactive discussions relating to health imbalance and returning to nature. I have provided overview on subject of varied personality types, the identification, understanding and care in accordance to Ayurveda, at various occasions and institutes. Other than this, I'v been Guest Faculty with Global Care Institute conducting teaching on subject of healthcare. I hold positions as Founder member of organization of NAYAM - a NGO in Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Yoga, Alternate therapies and Meditation and Director Herboveda Remedies Pvt Ltd.
Presently I'm writing freelance articles for national and international publications in fields of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturpoathy and Energy Healing.
TV Anchor for a health show.
Poetry published in some renouned magazines.
Liking what you do is Satisfaction,
But Doing what you like is Happiness!