The Basics of PEMF Therapy

What is PEMF therapy? PEMF is an acronym for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field. Thus, PEMF therapy is electromagnetic field therapy.

Along with gravity, the strong force, and the weak force, electromagnetism is one of the four basic forces of physics and the universe. We have direct experiences of electro magnetism when we see a magnet pick up something made of iron, or when we try to push the like poles of two magnets together and feel the resistance.

But many things in Nature possess electromagnetic fields that we don’t usually perceive directly. The Earth itself has an electromagnetic field. That’s why the needle of a compass points to the north. Similarly, many aspects of our bodily functions have an electromagnetic aspect.

PEMF Therapy and the Body’s Electromagnetism

Interest in using magnets to combat ailments and promote general health and well being date back to the 18th Century. But of course our knowledge about how the body works has come a long way since then, and ideas about the potential uses of electromagnetic field therapy have evolved along with it.

Today, for example, we know that our heartbeats send electromagnetic wave through the blood vessels and produce effects on every cell in the body. Magnetic fields create or facilitate the motion of ions and electrolytes inside cells, and this in turn enhances the production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), a substance necessary for the cells to produce energy, function correctly, and stay healthy.

It’s reasonable to hypothesize, then, that pulsed magnetic field therapy can have a beneficial effect on the body, and patients have reported or their healthcare professionals have discerned improvement in the following areas:

Potential Benefits of PEMF Therapy

  • Improvements in muscle function
  • Decreased inflammation
  • Decreased stress
  • Improved blood oxygenation
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Better bone healing
  • Reduced pain
  • Improved tissue healing
  • Increased energy
  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Improved blood clotting
  • Slower progression of arthritis
  • Improved detoxification
  • Stronger immune system
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Improved uptake of nutrients
  • Improved liver function
  • Improved nerve function
  • Better balancing of acupuncture meridians
  • Soft tissue becomes more flexible
  • Better sleep

Choosing Your PEMF Therapy Machine

The first PEMF therapy machine was a Helmholtz coil, an imposing contraption that required a person to lie inside it to experience the magnetic field it generated. To say the least, the Helmholtz coil wasn’t suitable for home use.

Today, however, if you’re interested in trying pulse electromagnetic therapy, you have far more practical options. Many electromagnetic therapy devices resemble yoga mats. They’re just slightly thicker than regular yoga mats to accommodate the spiral coils inside that generate an even magnetic field.

PEMF wellness devices are available from PEMF 120, Flexpulse, Earthpulse, Bio Balance, Sota Magnetic Pulsar, Teslafit, and others. In fact, there are so many possibilities that no one can blame you if you feel uncertain about which one is right for you. But if you keep these guidelines in mind, you should be able to navigate the process and reach an outcome that fits your health history, health concerns, budget, and lifestyle.

1. Research the electromagnetic therapy device you’re considering buying. Is it coming for a reliable source offering a money-back guarantee? How long has the company been in business? Are customer service and repair service available in the US?

It’s quite possible you’ll be directly interacting with an individual who hopes to sell you a particular PEMF therapy as opposed the manufacturer itself. In that case, you’ll also want to find out if the seller has a strong relationship with the manufacturer or importer and whether he or she has any involvement with a multi-level marketing firm. Also, does the seller have any medical training or consult with someone who does? Is he or she honest about what the system cannot do and open to a discussion about other electromagnetic therapy devices on the market?

2. Do your research knowing that there’s no one pulse electromagnetic therapy device that’s best for everyone, and you should be wary of any seller who tells you there is.

Your particular issue may respond better to low intensities or to high ones. Accordingly, your goal is to find the device that will work best for you, and as a general rule, an expert with hands-on experience of multiple systems is best equipped to help you do that.

As a general rule, the deeper the problem lies within the body, or the denser the affected tissues are, the more likely it is that higher intensity will be necessary to achieve beneficial results.

3. Don’t obsess about waveforms. Pulsed magnetic field therapy devices use a variety of waveforms including sawtooth, square, sinusoidal, and trapezoidal, and someone may tell you that one is superior to the rest. There is, however, no solid data to substantiate this.

4. By the same token, don’t worry about polarity. Some vendors point to polarity as a selling point, but this simply reveals they don’t understand the basics of electromagnetism. Magnetic fields have no charge.

5. Pay attention to the programs contained in a particular PEMF therapy device. Some have only one, others have several based on wellness states, and some have a biorhythm clock that makes them stimulating early in the day and relaxing at night. Some have condition- or disease-based programs.

A particular program may or may not be necessary to address your particular issue. Often, they aren’t. Additionally, if your electromagnetic therapy devices comes with multiple programs, it can be helpful if it also provides the flexibility to run them in the order you want when you want.

6. It’s often a poor idea to select a PEMF therapy device based on the accessories that come with it. Some full-body systems come with a variety of accessories (pen applicators, for example), but you may not need them to address your particular issue.

7. Know the difference between FDA-registered and FDA-approved. If a device is merely FDA-registered, it simply means that, as required by law, the FDA has been apprised that it’s being offered for sale. If a device is FDA-approved, it means the FDA has certified it as safe and effective for treating a particular condition.

Most PEMF therapy devices are FDA-registered but not FDA-approved. That doesn’t mean they provide no benefits. Many manufacturers don’t try to get FDA approval, partly because it costs a lot of money and partly because the FDA certifies devices in relation to one particular condition. As noted above, it’s posited that PEMF therapy can provide benefits in relation to a number of health issues. Thus, if an electromagnetic therapy product was labeled as useful for addressing a single condition only, that might be selling it short.

If a vendor tries to tell you that FDA-registered is the same thing as FDA-approved, however, you should take note of that lack of honesty.

8. Know that you can often rent a PEMF therapy device to see if it helps you before making the commitment to buy it. Just be sure the rental program is a reputable one.

PEMF Therapy Devices: The Takeaway

As you can see, there’s a lot to think about when choosing a pulse electromagnetic therapy device, but the effort is worthwhile. It’s a one-time purchase, and you and your family can use the system in your own home at your convenience for years to come.

Author's Bio: 

Torsi is a professional blogger.