A fun thing I've discovered is that my niche as a hand analyst is helping primarily women entrepreneurs figure out THEIR NICHE and target market. Now that's what I call a niche among niches!
"What's my niche?" you ask. Your niche is your special place, position or forte. It's the "thing" you do ... Views:1121
Palm reading over the past nine years, I've read thousands of hands and the issue of relationships comes up again and again. No surprise there. The greatest desire for most of us when it comes to relationships is finding an appropriate partner.
Sometimes trying to get your partner to “commit” ... Views:1151
I am fascinated by money - what it is, how it operates, how to attract it, save it, invest it, spend it, give it to others and create more of it. In palmistry, women entrepreneurs' hands reveal, in the hand's simple, straightforward way, the STRUCTURE of money as well as what to do and what NOT ... Views:1167
Abraham Maslow, the famed psychologist known for his hierarchy of needs, reportedly indicated that beyond "self-actualization" at the top of his needs pyramid, was another level - he called this level 'transcendence.'
Whereas self-actualization involves realizing your personal potential, ... Views:2519
I've been thinking about this question a lot lately: "What's the REAL reason we have fear?" Why? Because I've been having more fear than usual. Why? I'm doing things that are new in my business and thus, I'm in unfamiliar territory.
You've probably heard these explanations for the root of your ... Views:1245
1. "You Don't Really Believe in That Stuff, Do You?"
The ONLY people who say this are the people who know NOTHING about hand analysis. Don't let this be you. (Yes, I admit it - this is my pet peeve question.) Only ignorance can cause a person to belittle something they know nothing about. ... Views:3655
If you really want to know "the secret," access your business creativity and live your Life Purpose, there’s one jewel in your treasure chest you must dig out, polish up and wear proudly - the gem is your intuition. Without it, you are likely to be confused and looking to others for your own ... Views:1158
"What does it really take to have a successful business?" I've thought about this question so many times and my answer sometimes shifts, based upon where I am on my own journey. However, after nine years in business, I've discovered several factors that remain the same.
YOU Are Your Business ... Views:1089
Your heart lines reveal your emotional style. Your dominant-hand heart line is your emotional style "at work" and your non-dominant hand heart line is your emotional style "at home." Today's article will focus on your emotional style at work.
The Hermit Heart Line
Hand analyst, Pamelah ... Views:4429
Remember the song that goes, "torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool?" I know I can feel that way about all sorts of things - not just lovers. Grin. Perhaps you're struggling to decide which business idea to focus on. You know you need to choose, but you don't know how. Your hands give us ... Views:1123
President Barack Obama is left-handed. Only 10% of the population is left-handed. It is my observation of left-handed folks in general that they tend to be less prone to listening to others and more prone to follow their own convictions, whether those convictions buck the trend or conform with ... Views:2960
Before I bring you an analysis on Hillary Clinton, our new Secretary of State, I thought it might be fun to see what Sarah Palin holds in her hands.
No matter what you may think of Ms. Palin, she holds up a hand that loves politics - and the spotlight. It's actually quite similar in shape to ... Views:2812
Leeza Gibbons burst onto the Hollywood scene as a host on Entertainment Tonight before going on to host her own Emmy-award-winning TV Show, "Leeza." She is the host of the radio show, "Hollywood Confidential" and founder of The Leeza Gibbons Memory Foundation, which is dedicated to providing ... Views:3046
I divided my ring finger into the three standard zones: upper, middle and bottom.
The middle zone of the ring finger, when it is the strongest of the three zones, represents the material aspects of creativity. These can include design in many forms (clothing, furniture, jewelry) and arts & ... Views:3682
Let's start at the beginning. Kim DeYoung showed up in Tucson for my Tall Poppy Private Platinum Program after her initial hand analysis session knowing her Life Purpose (from her fingerprint patterns) is: "Successful Passionate Creative in the Community Spotlight." In other words, Kim is a "big ... Views:3677
I'm often asked, with hands discretely hidden under the tablecloth or tucked into pockets, "Beth, do you ever see anything bad in the hands?" My answer is always the same: "No." Other hand analysts might disagree, but my philosophy is this: Since you can choose whatever you want to believe, how ... Views:3524