A fun thing I've discovered is that my niche as a hand analyst is helping primarily women entrepreneurs figure out THEIR NICHE and target market. Now that's what I call a niche among niches!
"What's my niche?" you ask. Your niche is your special place, position or forte. It's the "thing" you do that sets you apart from the competition. Among hand analysts, my niche is business clarity and business marketing. Some hand analysts I know focus on relationship harmony while others focus on healing or creating more organization in your everyday life.
Once you determine your niche, you then need to figure out the market that wants what you have to offer. This is your "target market."
The Clue Phone is Ringing - and it's ringing for YOU!
That's right! YOU are your target market. Finding people like you, with similar interests and similar problems they want solved, takes a lot of the guesswork out of figuring out whom exactly you are here on the planet to serve with your business. And make no mistake - the PURPOSE of this human experience is to SERVE - serve yourself, serve your friends and family , serve your clients and serve the planet.
To delve deeper into the specifics of your target market, write out your own biography in long hand, including your age, physical description, hobbies and relationship status, and take some time to study it. Where might you find other people like you whom have had similar experiences and have similar hobbies? Are you single or married? Childless or a parent? An athlete, bookworm, cook or all of the above?
Now, choose your two FAVORITE activities and set out to meet similar people who engage in these activities. I'll give you an example. I am a spiritually-oriented entrepreneur and I love to learn by going to information marketing seminars. Where do you think I find my target market? At seminars attended primarily by spirit-minded women entrepreneurs who want to use information marketing in their businesses. Basically, when I do what I love to do, I find the people who love to buy what I have to offer. Make sense?
Easy as 1-2-3. :-)
Here's my Coach's Challenge:
Make that list of your 10 favorite books I recommended earlier to see what your niche interests are. Then make a list of where you can meet people like yourself to share your business with. Finally, GO to one of those places and observe, mix and mingle.
Baeth Davis, "The Hand Analyst," is a professional hand analyst specializing in non-predictive palmistry. She helps female entrepreneurs, small business owners and women experiencing major life transitions to discover the calling of their souls and create practical, pragmatic business plans to make their unique life purposes both meaningful AND profitable. Visit Baeth at http://www.handanalyst.com to learn more and get a free copy of “The 5 Massive Mistakes Spiritually Oriented Women Make in Business (and How to Avoid Them!”