Science continues to shed ever more light upon the magnificence of the human body and its constant interactions with Creative Intelligence. It seems humans have a built-in “fail safe” mode when our conscious spiritual nature switches on, somewhere around age 25. Even when the soul is remembered ... Views:2578
Unresolved emotions you have pushed away over time or judged as bad are injurious to your health. Stuffed feelings move deeper into your cells and tissues and become the causes of such things as digestive, elimination, organ function disturbances, and very scary medical diagnoses. Consider ... Views:2406
Today the shadow effect is in the news. What if I told you that you have a perfect health spiritual double? It’s true. It’s kind of an avatar connection like the relationship between Krishna and Arjuna in the Hindu text Bhagavad Gita. An inseparable best friend, healthy light force shadow ... Views:2140
The latest STAR TREK movie with the new young cast and 78-year old Leonard Nimoy as "Future" Spock is a big, fun statement about the power of reframing your thinking and not only changing your world, but healing it too.
SPOILER Alert: If you have not yet seen the movie, you may want to read ... Views:1892
“Going Green” according to means an environmental social movement, and someone who “Goes Green” is defined as an environmentalist. An environmentalist is “a person who may advocate the sustainable management of resources and stewardship of the natural environment through changes in ... Views:2248
Everywhere I go in the city, I see young and old alike with ear buds in their ears that are attached to white cords leading somewhere hidden in their pocket or coat. I have some personal thoughts about ear buds and your health. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, which gives us acupuncture and ... Views:1459
Adrenal and thyroid functions are two special body functions that may be gracefully harmonized with the addition of energy healing self-help. From my experience, the most dynamic energy self-help usually involves some form of healing touch. Practicing self-help can augment the other options you ... Views:2945