The latest STAR TREK movie with the new young cast and 78-year old Leonard Nimoy as "Future" Spock is a big, fun statement about the power of reframing your thinking and not only changing your world, but healing it too.
SPOILER Alert: If you have not yet seen the movie, you may want to read this after you've seen it.
In the movie, Future Spock (Leonard Nimoy) meets and helps Young James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) and certain history that includes Young Spock gets rewritten. How can this be possible? Of course in the movies anything is possible. (Can Future Spock be interchanged with Present Moment Spock, and the same with Young Spock and Past Spock? Food for thought.) In reality, it is possible to rewrite and reframe your past. Lucid dreaming , Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) psychology , hypnotherapy , Holotropic® Breathwork , Rebirthing , Recapitulation , and Shamanic Journeying are some excellent therapeutic options available for changing your past.
Sitting in a therapist’s office with your psychotherapist inviting you to imagine the pillow in the opposite chair is your father and now you get to say whatever you didn’t get to say when you were a child, is another way to fix your past. However you choose, it can be done and the experience of consciously reframing or repicturing your past unburdens and releases healing energies .
During this film I had the sense that Future Spock had already experienced some not so comfortable things in his life that he wished to "correct." If he could (and he could), let him dream them differently, healthier, with lighter outcomes. There are a few clues for me that Spock was lucid dreaming or reframing his past. Future Spock could also have been on a shamanic healing journey because when Young James Kirk meets Future Spock, Future Spock is in a cave on a distant planet. Caves have been a part of shamanic healing for thousands of years. And Future Spock meets and has a conversation about "cheating or lying" with Young Spock. How cool is that to share your wisdom with your younger self?!
Here are some hints to Spock’s lucid dream shift . First, after trying to rein in his explosive emotions of sadness and anger at losing his mother and watching his planet of 6 billion people disintegrate, Young Spock finally loses it and realizes he is not fit to lead. If you remember, Future Spock coached Young Kirk to help Young Spock let go. Hint #1.
Secondly, Young Spock is in a romantic relationship with Uhuru. This is something new for Spock. It suggests that Young Spock was adventuring beyond the rigidity of his Vulcan training. Hint #2. Thirdly, during Young Spock’s conflicted life being of mixed race Vulcan and Human, his father tells him that he never really loved his mother. What a way to toughen up a young boy who is devoted to his mother. After Young Spock has his emotional breakdown (a good thing by the way, in terms of healing), his father fesses up and tells him that he married Spock’s mother because he loved her. (Big healing moment here!) Hint #3.
The final clue for me that Future Spock was reframing and actually recreating his past into something new (and I could be totally making this one up because it happened so fast) is that Future Spock from some far off land, smiles and says something like “Forward thrusters” and in the next moment Young Captain Kirk on the USS Enterprise in a totally different location says the exact words, “Forward thrusters” as the Enterprise engages on its next journey. Hint #4.
Anyway, something to consider. Reframing, recreating, changing and healing your past is possible, and can be a good thing for your health and well being. Spock did it with wise bravado. Of course remember, when you are doing your emotional release and reframing work, you can add energy healing self-help to aid in your recovery to wholeness. See the latest STAR TREK movie and come to your own conclusions. Have fun!
Take care. Take great self-care.Many blessings,
Barbara J. SempleCopyright (c) 2009 Barbara J. Semple. All rights reserved.
Self-healing activist, integrative healing arts practitioner, author, CEO and entrepreneur, Barbara J. Semple is the developer and creator of Healing Touch Quick Steps HOME GUIDE , an energy healing self-help multi-media home study program. She also directs and runs a successful internet marketing business promoting health educational programs. She is author of a number of books on self-healing including Personal Power Cards - Flash Cards for Emotional Wellness , and Soul Aerobics® - Conscious Movement of a Soul into Wholeness . Barbara's career spans 35 years in business and marketing communications overlapping with 30 years studies of mind-body therapies - a symphony of multi-level experience. You can find more of her writings at