Too often, grandparents are caught in drama between parents during and after their divorce. While they want to help in any way they can, many grandparents just don’t know how to ease the hurt, confusion and other emotions affecting their innocent grandkids. Since every divorce is unique there ... Views:1342
By Rosalind Sedacca, CCT
We all know divorce creates havoc in any family’s life, especially when children are involved. Moving on after divorce can also be challenging. It’s a time to be very gentle, both with yourself as well as with your children.
Chances are, you made a considerable ... Views:1593
Many families experience separation or divorce as summer approaches so they can take advantage of the school break to make post-divorce transitions. There are many other families, however, that make the break in the midst of the school year.
There are several reasons why this sometimes ... Views:1655
Sadly, celebrity divorces make all the headlines for all the wrong reasons. They showcase the most unconscious behavior, especially when it comes to relationships. Kim Kardashian’s marriage gone off tracks after such a short time is just one more example.
It appears Kim spent more time ... Views:1273
Sadly, celebrity divorces make all the headlines for all the wrong reasons. They showcase the most unconscious behavior, especially when it comes to relationships. Kim Kardashian’s marriage gone off tracks after such a short time is just one more example.
It appears Kim spent more time ... Views:1340
Imagine going through your divorce with billions of people around the world following your every move. That’s the reality Maria Shriver and Arnold Schwarzenegger are facing as they explore the options that lie ahead for their family.
For the Child-Centered Divorce community, this very public ... Views:1559
Is it divorce or parental discord that most damages children? Answers are finally coming in!
A recent article by marriage and family therapist Ruth Bettelheim has much to say on this topic that is both relevant and, quite surprising for many. That’s because she refutes common misconceptions ... Views:1690
Preparing to break the news to your kids that you’re divorcing their other parent? Feeling insecure about how to broach the subject? Wondering how much to share during and after the divorce? How your children will react? How to handle their questions? How to deal with your special ... Views:1925
Being a divorced Dad can be one of the most frustrating experiences any parent will ever face. For many it seems like a can’t-win situation. You find that you’re constantly trying to prove yourself – to your ex, to the children, and often to a Step-Dad who has moved into the picture.
If Mom ... Views:1846
It's a controversy that just won't quit. Is it divorce or parental discord that most damages children? Well, answers are finally coming in!
A recent article by marriage and family therapist Ruth Bettelheim has much to say on this topic that is both relevant and, quite surprising for many. ... Views:2165
Ever go on a vacation without making plans in advance? The consequences are usually disastrous. If you fail to plan ahead regarding newspaper and mail delivery, feeding your pets or watering the plants, knowing where your destination is and reserving your accommodations, your vacation is likely ... Views:1709
It’s no secret that one of the biggest challenges a parent faces after divorce is staying in good communication with your children. Obviously all parents struggle with communication issues as their children grow, but children who have had their lives dramatically altered by separation or divorce ... Views:1582
Whether Tiger Woods gets a divorce or not, his family is experiencing the emotional turmoil resulting from any parental breakup. Celebrity or not, everyone in the family is affected by a separation or rift between parents.
Often Mom and Dad are so caught up in their own battles they tend to ... Views:1502
The holiday season can bring up painful memories of happier times, especially if you are divorced and have children.
When feeling yourself starting to sink into negative emotions keep in mind that with the pain comes a choice. You can choose to acknowledge the past for what it was. You can ... Views:2457
It’s disturbing, sad and shocking to learn about the physical and emotional abuse Mackenzie Phillips experienced as an adolescent and young woman. How many other children and adults are hiding and trying to cope with unspeakable “family secrets” that get left unspoken and unacknowledged? What ... Views:1516
Facing divorce and stymied about how to tell your kids? Wondering how it will affect them? Worried about hurting them with the news? When’s the best time to talk? What to say and not say? What they will say? Not sure just what to confide?
Well you’re not alone.
There’s no doubt this might ... Views:1531
Is our down-turned economy having an effect on divorce in the United States and other nations around the world? While it’s too early for statistical evidence, reports from marriage counselors and divorce attorneys around the globe are in agreement. They’re finding many couples who were ready to ... Views:1816
We all do it from time to time. Make a sarcastic comment about our ex, criticize something they did or didn’t do, gesture or grimace our faces when referring to our former spouse. When we do it in front of, near or within hearing distance of our children, we set ourselves up for a hornet’s nest ... Views:3484
Getting psyched up to tell your children about your pending divorce
-- or separation? Not sure what to say? When to say it? How to
say it? What to expect after the conversation? What to do next?
How do deal with your special circumstances? What therapists,
mediators, attorneys, clergy and other ... Views:1331
More than ever before, divorce is making news. Much of it is due to changing legislation regarding issues such as custody. In the past five years there have also been major shifts in our perceptions about divorce and the emergence of new alternatives that can simplify and reduce the time and ... Views:902
I read a poignant comment on a blog recently written by a married mother of three. She was a child of divorce whose father moved out of the home when she was four. She talks about having very few pictures of herself as a child and only one of her mother and father together. Her grandfather found ... Views:2384
The second annual recognition of National Child-Centered Divorce Month will take place throughout July across the United States. Professionals who deal with divorce issues -- therapists, attorneys, mediators, coaches, educators, clergy and others – will be joining forces to share valuable ... Views:1407
Divorce is a highly emotional topic. When children are involved the consequences are far more dramatic - and, not surprisingly, so are our opinions. I know there are many people who sincerely believe that no divorce is a good divorce. That children are always and inevitably harmed by the ... Views:7331
Today’s Hollywood is rarely a place to find role models for our culture, especially when it comes to divorce and family issues. Year after year we’ve been exposed to dramatic, painful, explosive relationship breakups resulting in tabloid headlines that feed upon scandal and ... Views:1418
One of the most difficult conversations any parent will ever have is telling their children about their pending divorce. I know first-hand because many years ago I went through the experience. I fought and faced the overwhelming emotions. The deep gut-wrenching fear. The continuous anxiety. The ... Views:918