The second annual recognition of National Child-Centered Divorce Month will take place throughout July across the United States. Professionals who deal with divorce issues -- therapists, attorneys, mediators, coaches, educators, clergy and others – will be joining forces to share valuable parenting messages. One of the most significant is: Don’t make your child a pawn in your conflict. Instead, put your children's needs first when making decisions related to divorce or separation.

National Child-Centered Divorce Month was initiated by author Rosalind Sedacca, CCT, recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce . Sedacca has created a Child-Centered Divorce Network for parents and works closely with a broad group of therapists, attorneys, mediators, divorce coaches, educators, financial planners and other professionals who focus on creating the most positive and harmonious outcomes for families transitioning through divorce .

Sedacca is passionate about enlisting the nation’s legal, therapeutic and educational communities for one purpose: bringing a heightened awareness to parents about their responsibility to their children’s well-being before, during and after divorce. “We can never overemphasize how dramatically parental decisions about divorce can affect their children – for years – and often for a lifetime.”

National Child-Centered Divorce Month is listed in Chase’s Calendar of Events, the resource that all media turn to for planning timely news stories.

During Child-Centered Divorce Month Sedacca encourages divorce professionals around the nation to contact their local media with tips, advice, feature stories, case studies, press releases, articles and news of seminars, lectures and other special events on related topics. Here’s an opportunity to get media attention about an array of issues falling under the child-centered divorce umbrella – all instantly becoming news because of their timeliness during July.

Sedacca suggests that therapists, attorneys, mediators, educators and others also consider teaming up to create live events, teleseminars, TV and radio pitches, and other media queries. Divorce websites, ezine articles, blogs, discussion forums, Facebook and other social media sites are also excellent vehicles for getting the word out.

The goal, according to Sedacca, is to unite and then spread the word that “when parents divorce, their children need them more than ever. Don't let them down.”

For more information about Child-Centered Divorce Month in July contact Rosalind at or directly at 561 742-3537. Her new ebook, How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide to Preparing Your Children -- with Love! is available at her website, , along with free articles, her blog, free ezine and many useful resources for parents transitioning through divorce and beyond.

Author's Bio: 

Recognized as The Voice of Child-Centered Divorce, Rosalind Sedacca, CCT, is the author of How Do I Tell the Kids about the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook™ Guide to Preparing Your Children – with Love!

This easy-to-read ebook prepares parents for the challenges of telling their children about a pending separation or divorce. What makes her book unique is that it doesn’t just tell you what to say. It says it for you!

Rosalind uses fill-in-the-blank templates to create a storybook with family photos and history to convey, with love and compassion, the six key messages parents need to share.

Rosalind is a Certified Corporate Trainer, award-winning national speaker and workshop facilitator. She now shares her expertise on TV and radio programs, print interviews, newsletters, podcasts and articles. To learn more about her book, free ezine, articles and other valuable resources, visit .