“... I have a lot many times, will do it later.”
“...No need to do this will do it later.”
We don’t know how many times, we have these words in mind and let our self delay the work which suppose to finish at that time. We keep delaying the important things repeatedly, and it becomes our ... Views:766
Everything starts with an idea. An idea, that came in one’s mind. And a lot of works being done to transform an idea into action. This results in great things happen in the world.
Technologies, high buildings, moving vehicles all are because of the idea in minds. On the other hand, Nuclear ... Views:1162
Life is not easy for everyone. Everyone we meet, already in their own hard phase of life. Everyone has a unique way how they take control over it. We have to make a habit to face life challenges Because life keeps teaching us a lesson through its various tests.
There is always a Rise after ... Views:796
You are really kind one that you are there for your friends and for your loved ones, whenever they need support. A good sign, indeed. That shows you truly respect them & value them. And so everyone feels good about you, that also make your relation stronger.
But in some cases, this will not ... Views:1728
Life in your 20s is full of experiences & Ups and Downs. But this is the years on which the future of us depends. Though the 20s are the toughest time of our life, But still it needs to live fully.
As life offers many new things in 20s, we have to seek that opportunity and enjoy it, that’s ... Views:640
We all are living with lots of dreams in the heart. And to accomplish that we put our self in the hard work, as possible we can make. Everyone has their own life perspectives. Some work for the money while on the other hand some work for the knowledge.
But when you have so much desire in own ... Views:675
When you are about to do something unique and aimed to achieve something great,then you end up achieving all that by your own alone. It may happen that you lose the support from the others and there’s only you who have to go through it. In this case, you have not given up and accepted the ... Views:663
She is doing everything for you, without looking at day & night.
She cares for you, even if she is ill
She is there listening to your problems, even though you haven't ask about hers
She makes you capable in the world, even if she has no professional degrees
She is doing everything possible ... Views:724
Every Relationship requires a several elements to keep it going on and alive, just as a Vehicle needs Fuel to reach the destination.No relationships are perfect in every aspect. But it’s up to them, How they handle each other and keep it going.
A Mutual understanding and Emotional Bonding ... Views:711
Your twenties(20s) are the time when you experience a lot many things from life, and that's probably the first time. Everything happens for the first time brings a lesson for us. And that’s what we need to understand. But in order to overcome the failures and to make sure we are on the right ... Views:583
Money is a need for every one of us. But the reality is, you need it more in the future than in the present. Because in present, you know what you need. But the future is unpredictable. So here comes the concept of Financial Security.
Finance security is about managing money well, in such a ... Views:704
In order to achieve the success in career or in life, we need to focus on what we plan to achieve that. We just don’t let our self distracted by things we can’t control like criticism, failures and our weakness as well.
But it’s up to us how we can control our self distracted and stay ... Views:732
You may have those friends to whom you go out every day for fun. You may have those friends who give you some short term enjoyments. You may have that Best friend who gives you good memories or you may have friends who fight with anyone for you. But all these things give you a temporary ... Views:643
The twenties are the time for adventures. A time to explore something new. A time for improving own self. Sometimes to face those daily challenges, you have to go beyond your home-zone. You have to stay away from home, for educational purpose or work purpose.
It’s really very tough for ... Views:607
We all have that tendency to give excuses. Something bad happens in our life, Because of them. Something went wrong, because of them. But in the end, we need to understand that this happens in our life, relates to us only. Directly or indirectly,there is we are the reason, whatever happen to us. ... Views:544
Everyone in this world is gifted with unique skill-sets. So it may happen that, work seems boring to one, Others may have passionate about it. We all had that one or more work, which we never get tired of doing. When we do it, we feel like we are not in this world.
We forget the time, we ... Views:602
As per relationship Fact, a person who suffers the most in today’s life is a Right one. Whether it’s a life, career or relationship, a loyal & right person, are the one who has to suffer alone. Why?? Because they have put so much into relation. Also, it’s their loyalty which gives chance to ... Views:926
Time is not precious, It is priceless. You always can get back the money you lost, by your efforts. It seems that everything is possible when you have money.
But the reality is, you simply can’t get extra “One-minute” by spending all money. It’s the time which makes successful people. Don’t ... Views:641
We human, are Social animals. And we all like to be social. We like to be surrounded by others. Because we all have something to share with and want someone to be hear us. No one wants to live alone. Meanwhile, Some prefer to stay lonely, because they feel exhausted to be with others. And rest ... Views:785
All things start with & happen in mind first, Isn’t it? Our mind is very powerful that can picturise the things which haven’t been or about to happen. Great things, But sometimes it works negatively. Mean to say, sometimes your mind makes you feel worried when it shows a negative picture. And ... Views:1041
In this busy life, it's hard for anyone to take a break for a moment. But A small break is must, when you are done with your work for long. This break will give you a time to think & spend time for yourself,too.
Life is not only limited to work only, but there are also many things which all ... Views:722
When you have that clear idea about career, that at where you want to go in a career. Then it may happen that, you just feeling exhausted for what you doing right now, because you have those specific criteria in mind. You have those work criteria about what you want to learn, what you expect ... Views:741
You wake up every morning, do your work, spend time with family and then go to bed, set the alarm for the next morning, to repeat all activities.
You have that belief that you wake up tomorrow and will perform all these activities. But have you think about how all things are possible, ... Views:977
Positive change a Good Relationship bring in your life
Everyone needs that one person in life, who understand them, value them & stay with them when everyone leaves. A wrong partner destroys your life, and also divert you from your own goals. But not every persons are that bad. Some are the ... Views:638
No matter which works you are in, your performance is judged by anyway. Whether you are a business owner or an employee at the firm, your overall performance judged based upon the report received at the end of the year or month. You can wait for the performance report to find where you need to ... Views:662
Many people complain about their Rude, emotionless, timid & selfish behavior. May they are true, But simply don’t look in own self and understand they have not given them a reason to open up.
Yes, I’m sharing some introvert facts and stories. As a shy guy, I also have experienced the same ... Views:987
You may have come across that negative people in life at your college, or at work or even in a relationship. In case of handling negativity from outside, you need to take serious action over. You can develop some good approach to handle your own negative thoughts, But it’s better to handle well ... Views:728
Life brings many positive changes in one’s 20s life. The events (either Positive or Negative) happening in the Twenties life that ultimately brings Required changes in one’s life. After all, it’s a life and no matter which way it will teach you a lesson anyway.
A Life lesson which you need ... Views:677
A friend is the one who is there when your family is not around. There is a friend with whom you can share your dark secrets and crush story. Simply a friend is the one with whom you spending a memorable time of your life and make it more enjoyable.
Just a Friend, best friends, and a true ... Views:1081
The life situation you are in right now is a result of the things which you have done earlier. It’s your present actions which design your future. Hence, If you want to see yourself in the good future then you have to work on that from right now. If you are not taking an action for that then it ... Views:1022
May you feel that lazy or bored to wake up early in the morning. May that morning feel good for you to sleep an extra two hours. But if you really want to feel good about this morning then get out of bed early, you will enjoy it more. You can wake till late at night for work or chatting purpose ... Views:696
In life, you simply can not grow alone. Sooner or later you have to need a hand or others who support you in life. But sometimes, you came across a situation when no one is there to whom you can trust or ask for help, a moment of being alone. At that time you have to spend time with yourself and ... Views:735
Society impact on the life of every one of us, positively or negatively. The social beliefs and norms are good if followed for the purpose of growth and welfare. It affects negatively if those social norms are forced to follow on someone who wants to grow on their own.
Due to the power of ... Views:929
Friends playing a really important role in one’s life. You may have that Bro(s) with whom you are spending most time with or partying when you want. But your life will be more interesting and different, when you have at least one Girl best friend in your life.
She can solve many probs and ... Views:741
For any career, it is advisable to stick to the one organization for many years and get work experience. Totally agree. But what happens if you are not passionate about the work and you have to force yourself to go to work every Monday mornings.
In order to find a work you are passionate ... Views:651
Life in your 20s are very crucial and critical phase of life. Because life in this era is most productive and challenging enough, so you have to prepare for that, too.
The things you do in this best age of your life, define upcoming life. Career or Love life, Job or Business life in twenties ... Views:766
Handling a Rejection is hard for anyone. Either in the job interview or in the love life or in the Business deal, many people have faced rejection. It’s true that being rejected is not a good impact on a person’s life, but it opens up more opportunities than to being accepted.
So Look at the ... Views:971
Today’s Habits play a major role in shaping futures. If you have the right habit in your life then it will fill your present with positivity and future with Success. Develop habits and it’ll shape your future. Whether you are in your twenties or teenage, make positive transformations in life and ... Views:772
In life, we come across many peoples. Some play an active presence and be a part of our journey. While others come and go as a guest. But in between this meet-up and break-up, we come across that one. There is The one person in everyone’s Destiny with whom they spend their life. Many of us keep ... Views:622
In life, we all come across many positive and negative things. It’s up to us what we like to take with us. But when you are in your 20s(A Precious years), you need to focus only on the positive side because this is the time that determines your destiny and decides what you will get later on. ... Views:979
I’m gonna simply ask you a question, what will you choose? One, Doing that work which pays you a high amount of money at every month, But you are not passionate about that work. Second, Doing the work that you are passionate about, But this let you less amount as you desired. If you prefer for ... Views:922
Sometimes life us put you in the situation, where there is no one with you. And we have to face those situations all alone. We can not describe that feeling to others, because they may not realize that. But as a being in the twenties, I also have gone through the same situation as you are So i ... Views:701
Life in your 20s is the crucial part of entire life. It brings many challenges for us, this way life shaping us for the future. Life in the twenties is come up with the major dimensions of the life which need to handle with a care. Here I’m going to share a few things to do in your 20s, and that ... Views:890
Ask yourself this question... which will give you more proud moments about having your own first bike, A Bike that received as a Gift from the parents or Buying first bike on your own? Most of us are agree with the second one, Isn’t It? Because we very closely relate to the things that we ... Views:793
Career is essential for anyone everyone's life. Whether you are in your Twenties or in teenage, a career decisions is a thing which we need to take major concern over. But when we are in our twenties,choosing career become a crucial decision of life. As this are the best years on making and ... Views:751
Life keeps changes. So the peoples are. But life in your 20s are the totally different than other stage of life. Most of the people around you notice a change in you ,a positive life changes that are due to 20s Age. They found that you are not the one which you were earlier.
Here are some ... Views:730
I know you have take a new year resolution of changing a bad habit of yours, And transform yourself into a Positive soul. But get rid of bad habits is not that much easy, not for anyone of us. Generally bad habits are easily become a part of our life and last long in our life.
It takes a years ... Views:728
Wish you a very Happy Birthday!! Congratulation for making this so far and you are turning 25 now. I wish that coming years will bring more and more happy moments to your life. I write this letter to remind you that one faze of life completed at age 25. And now it’s time to level up your ... Views:734
Hi There,
This is the First Blog Post, I'm about to share.
Thanks for reaching here and taking interest to know what this blog, monk at 25 is about. I decided to start this blog when I turned 25. To spread positivity & life learning with those who are in their 20s. This blog is for every ... Views:634